How Long Does It Take To Adopt A Child In Pennsylvania?

The Adoption Process In Pennsylvania

Adoptive parents often ask me how long it takes to adopt a child in Pennsylvania. They don’t realize that there is an average time period that it takes to find a suitable adoption agency. After reviewing a few agencies, I realized that there is a standard time period it takes to adopt a child in Pennsylvania. The first step is to find a reputable adoption agency that you feel comfortable with.

After finding a reputable adoption agency, the next step is to have a home study performed. This is usually required by the state. The home study is a document that includes an interview with you, your spouse and your current landlord or mortgage lender. This interview is done by a social worker. The social worker will ask questions about your income, your house, your relationship with your children, and any past problems with foster care.

Once the social worker has interviewed you, they will then refer you to a psychologist. This is usually a separate appointment. The psychologist will do a psychological evaluation on both of you. They will also talk to your children and the children that are in your household. They will ask questions about your children and how they interact. The psychologist will also ask questions about your marital relationship and your relationship with your spouse.

Once the psychologist has evaluated you and your spouse, he/she will then prepare the adoption packet. This is where all of the paperwork that you need to fill out comes in. This packet will include copies of your background check, your fingerprinting, and a copy of your passport. If you live outside of the United States, you will also need to have a background check done on you.

The adoption packet will include everything that the agency needs to be able to place the child with you. Once the agency has everything they need, they will make an offer on your behalf to the birth parents. The birth parents may accept or reject the offer. If they accept, the agency will then contact you with the details of the birth mother.

Once you have all of the details, you will be able to start the process of getting your social security card and driver’s license. You will also need to provide the agency with proof of insurance. Once you have your social security card, you can then apply for a job. You will also need to pay all of the costs associated with adopting a child in Pennsylvania.

All of this information should help you determine how long it takes to adopt a child in Pennsylvania. If you are having a hard time figuring out how long it takes to adopt a child in Pennsylvania, you can always call Adoptions From The Heart.