What Are The Requirements For Adopting A Child?

Adoption In PA

We offer a wide range of adoption services to prospective adoptive families. We also provide foster care services, adoption education classes, and other services to strengthen the families we work with.

Our adoption team offers home studies and comprehensive background checks. We do our best to match prospective parents with the best fit for their family, and we are proud of our success rate. We work with prospective parents to ensure that the process is easy and pleasant. Our goal is to find the right match for you and your child.

When choosing a family, we look for children who are:

* Born prematurely

* Have special medical needs

* Have mental or emotional disabilities

* Have developmental delays

* Have a sibling that is adopted

* Have an older sibling

* Are older than age 4

* Have special religious beliefs

* Have physical problems or deformities

* Are deaf or blind

* Are adopted

* Have medical problems

* Are from a specific ethnic group

* Are a sibling group

* Are part of a large family

* Have a specific gender

* Have special talents or abilities

We welcome all prospective parents to come visit us. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of becoming an adoptive parent, please contact us.

Here are some of the most common requirements for adopting a child in Pennsylvania

1. You must be 18 years or older.

2. You must be able to work with children.

3. You must be willing to live in the Philadelphia area.

4. You must have sufficient funds to provide support for your child.

5. You must have a valid passport.

6. You must be able to afford the child's expenses.

7. You must have a stable home environment.

8. You must be free from substance abuse and legal issues.

9. You must be free from medical issues.

10. You must be able to work full time.

11. You must be able to support your child financially.

12. You must have a positive attitude.

13. You must be able to meet the child's needs.

14. You must be able to provide for the child's medical needs.

15. You must be willing to meet the child's religious needs.

16. You must be willing to adopt a child from a specific ethnicity.

17. You must have the ability to travel.

18. You must be willing to be a positive role model.

19. You must be willing to be a part of the child's life for a minimum of two years.

20. You must be able to understand the needs of the child.

21. You must have a relationship with the child's birth mother.

22. You must be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

23. You must have a strong relationship with your spouse.

24. You must be willing to work with the child's birth family.

25. You must be willing to understand the birth family.

26. You must be willing to understand the birth mother.

27. You must be willing to accept any consequences that may occur.

28. You must be able to provide support for the birth mother.

29. You must be able to provide support for the birth father.

30. You must be able to provide support for the birth siblings.

31. You must be willing to sign a contract that includes the terms and conditions of the adoption.

32. You must be able to work with the adoption agency.

33. You must be able to complete all required steps.

34. You must be able to pay the fees.

35. You must be able to pay the required costs.

36. You must be willing to share in the responsibility of the child.

37. You must be able to meet the child's spiritual needs.

38. You must be able to meet the child's educational needs.

39. You must be able to meet the child's financial needs.

40. You must be able to meet the child's health needs.

41. You must be able to meet the child's medical needs.

42. You must be able to meet the child's social needs.

43. You must be able to meet the child's recreational needs.

44. You must be willing to be a part of the child's life.

45. You must be willing to meet the birth mother and birth father.

46. You must be able to attend the baby's birth.

47. You must be willing to attend the baby's first day of school.

48. You must be able to meet the birth siblings.

49. You must be able to meet the birth family.

50. You must be willing to be open to the birth family's suggestions.