Who Am I ?
My name is Adolphus Lye, a passionate and curious-driven researcher from Singapore whose research network spans across Asia and Europe. I currently serve as a Research Fellow within the Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Institute (SNRSI) at the National University of Singapore. At present, my research focus is on imprecise Probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear reactors under uncertainty.
On a regional (Southeast Asia) level, I serve as one of the co-leaders of the Probabilistic Safety Analysis & Human Reliability Analysis sub-committee under the umbrella of the ASEAN Network on Nuclear Power Safety Research. The objective of our role here is to spearhead the research efforts on nuclear risk analysis within Southeast Asia, as well as provide a platform for regional and international discussions on nuclear safety. Details on the sub-committee can be found here.
I obtained my PhD in 2023 from the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty at the University of Liverpool under the co-supervision of Professor Edoardo Patelli, Professor Alice Cicirello, and Professor Scott Ferson. For my dissertation, I developed computationally-efficient and robust sampling algorithms which address some key short-comings identified within existing sampling techniques used in Bayesian Model Updating. A list of my publications can be found here. Prior to this, I undertook my undergraduate studies at the National University of Singapore where I obtained my Bachelor of Science (with Honours) degree majoring in Physics with a minor in Mathematics.
My research interests/passion include the following topics:
Stochastic model updating;
Reliability analysis;
Imprecise probability; and
Probability bounds analysis
with applications towards:
Nuclear engineering;
Probabilistic risk analysis;
Structural engineering; and
Assset management & Predictive maintenance.
Should there be an interest on any of the above research topics and to collaborate, please feel free to reach out for a chat!
Besides work, I am currently part of the Cross Country Staff team within the University where I am able to continue pursuing my passion for long distance running at a competitive level. It is a sport I have been doing since 2014, and I have since participated in public races held in Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, and across the United Kingdom.
Other than running, my other hobbies include: travelling, writing, public-speaking, music, football, and watching combat sports (e.g., WWE and UFC).
2023 - present: Research Fellow @ Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Institute / National University of Singapore, Singapore
2021 - 2022: Halls Student Committee Sub-warden @ Vine Court Halls of Residence / University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
2019 - 2022: Halls Resident Advisor @ Vine Court Halls of Residence / University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
2017 (MAY - AUG): Undergradate Research Assistant @ Centre for Reliability Science and Technology / Chang Gung University, Taiwan
2016 (MAY - JUL): Undergraduate Research Assistant @ Centre for Quantum Technology / National University of Singapore, Singapore
2018 - 2022: Doctor of Philosophy - Risk and Uncertainty Quantification / Engineering @ University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
2016 (JUL - DEC): Semestral Exchange Student @ Monash University, Australia
2014 - 2018: Bachelor of Science (w. Honours) - Physics w. Math minor @ National University of Singapore, Singapore
Academic Affiliation / Professional Memberships
2024 - present: Ordinary Member of the Human Reliability Analysis Society
2023 - present: Co-leader of the ASEAN Network on Nuclear Power Safety Research Sub-committee on Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Human Reliability Analysis
2021 - 2025: Ordinary Member of the Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications
2018 - 2022: Affiliated Researcher of the Data, Vibration and Uncertainty Group
2018 - 2022: Member of the COSSAN Working Group
2014 - 2018: Member of the Young Educators in Science Group
Committees / Invited Positions
2025: Technical Committee Member of the 10th Annual Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management Conference
2025: Scientific Committee Member of the 35th Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference
2025: Invited Session Facilitator at the Global Young Scientists Summit 2025
2024: Organising Committee Member / Meeting Chairperson of the 7th Annual ASEAN Network on Nuclear Power Safety Research Meeting
2024: Session Chairperson on "Accident and Incident Modelling & Uncertainty Analysis" at the 34th Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference
2023: Organising Committee Member of the 6th Annual ASEAN Network on Nuclear Power Safety Research Meeting
2024 - present: Journal of Nuclear Engineering
2024 - present: Energies
2023 - present: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering;
2023 - present: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing;
2023 - present: Structural Safety;
2022 - present: Reliability Engineering and Safety Systems;
2021 - present: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering;
2022: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems;
2022: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference;
2025: Participating speaker & Panelist for the OECD-NEA International Workshop on Treatment of Uncertainties for Novel Aspects of Risk Analyses
2024: Participating speaker for the 7th Annual ASEAN Nuclear Power Safety Research Meeting
2023: Participating speaker for the 1st Joint TINT – Nuclear Malaysia ASEAN NPSR Technical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Human Reliability Analysis on Nuclear Research Reactor in ASEAN region
2022: Semi-plenary speaker for the 10th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis
2022: Guest speaker for the Risk Institute Online Seminar
2021: Lecturer for the Uncertainty Quantification Training Seminar
2021: Guest speaker for the URBASIS-EU Work-Project 1 Meeting
2020: Lecturer for the COSSAN Training Course
2019: Participating speaker for the Pint of Science UK, Liverpool
2019: Guest speaker for the 1st UK Reliability Meeting
Grants / Proposals
2024: National Research Foundation Singapore Research, Innovation, and Enterprise (RIE) 2025 (Co-author & Lead Researcher for Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Designs under Uncertainty)
Awards / Honours
2024: Global Young Scientists Summit Selected Poster Presentation
2022: Institute of Physics Applied Mechanics Group Early Career Researcher Prize
2022: University of Liverpool Athletics Union Full-colours Award (Cross Country Club)
2022: Liverpool Guild of Students Halls Student Committee of the Year
2022: University of Liverpool Risk Institute Annual Showcase Runner-up Best Speaker
2019: University of Liverpool Athletics Union Half-colours Award (Cross Country Club)
2018: European Safety and Reliability Association Winter School Scholarship (PHM & RAM 4.0 course)
2018: National Research Foundation Singapore / Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Institute Postgraduate Scholarship
2018: National University of Singapore Faculty of Science Class Ambassador Appointment (Class of 2018)
2016: National University of Singapore Faculty of Science Dean's List (Acad Year: 2015/16, Semester 2)
Media Feature: