
Who Am I ?

My name is Adolphus Lye, currently a Research Fellow within the Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Institute (SNRSI) at the National University of Singapore. At present, my research work looks into the area of imprecise Probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear reactors under uncertainty.

In 2023, I obtained my PhD from the  Institute for Risk and Uncertainty at the University of Liverpool and was co-supervised by Professor Edoardo Patelli and Professor Alice Cicirello. For my dissertation, I developed computationally-efficient and robust sampling algorithms which address some key short-comings identified within existing sampling techniques used in Bayesian Model Updating. where I developed computationally-efficient and robust sampling algorithms which address some key short-comings identified within existing Monte Carlo sampling techniques used in Bayesian Model Updating. A list of my publications can be found here. Prior to this, I undertook my undergraduate studies at the National University of Singapore where I obtained my Bachelor of Science (with Honours) degree majoring in Physics with a minor in Mathematics.

My research interests include the following topics:

with applications towards: 

Outside work, my hobbies include travelling, writing, public-speaking, music, football, and running.

Curriculum Vitae - Download full CV here [updated as of: 6-JUL-2024]



Academic Affiliation / Service 


Teaching / Talks

Note: Lecture materials can be accessed here.

Awards / Honours