It's not an option for this style of edit. It is an "after movie" for a music festival and many of the clips will be used throughout the project rather than in one section like would happen in a narrative edit. The project size at the moment is only 15mb as well. I've worked with much larger (in project file size) projects before without issue. I think the issue is related to number of clips.

While I can't speak to a clip number cap I am aware that Premiere tends to get relatively unstable as the project file inflates to 14~15mb. Having a lot of sequences really starts to slow the software down. If at all possible, follow the recommendations I've been seeing to break up the project. I can speak from personal experience that this helps a lot.

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I purchased a new computer and am attempting to reinstall Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for Windows but I no longer have the original serial number. The software was purchased physically from a store and I cannot find the original box. I never registered my copy to an Adobe account, but I still have access to my old PC with CS6 installed.

Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future.

After a few trys trying to follow people's videos on how to export my video, somehow I now have red numbers along the audio clip. What are they I have included a photo of them sorry for the distortion but I believe you can see what I am talking about. Thank you,

This is an indicator that the audio clips and their associated video clips are out of sync by the shown amount. If you click on the red numbers you will be givne the option to move the clips back into sync or to slide the clips back into sync. Make sure you are moving the correct clip, either the audio or video, depending which has moved. It might be that you want the keep the out of sync, in which case ignore the numbers.


Why Pr can't add decimal numbers by entering "number >dot>number" in the Bitrate Settings box (I mean just by typing the numbers and dot in the box)? But you can add it by dragging the slider (we have to get the exact number by the up/down arrow key). That's frustrating!

I am on "Win 11" stable version (latest update), Pr "v22.6.2". By entering the numbers (plus dot) and pressing the "Enter" key, Pr rounds the number to a whole number! I mean, if I enter "10.5" in the box and press "Enter", Pr rounds the number to "11"! Just by dragging the slider I am able to add decimals, and control the exact number I want by arrow keys!

you can highlight any photo and click sequence, but premiere will only import as long as there is a number system and if there is a gap it will import the photos until that gap and stop. look here for some more information about the process:

Image sequence. But I was encountering problems due to the difference in file numbers, or the difference in days, I think. Example: one folder has approximately 5 different days (close to 40,000 stills). Upon import some stills were not importing. Thus many days were lost in transit. I was importing them the correct way (highlight the top image, and select image sequence, then click import). I want to keep that 4k resolution so I scale the image sequence within premier. I have since been seperating each day in parts (morning, afternoon, night...etc.) & that is too troublesome.

I don't imagine there is a limit but bare in mind that if your photos file names have gaps in their sequential numbering in a folder, premiere will import the sequence up until that gap. You could easily batch rename them in bridge and so they are sequential. And another thing: if you don't need all that resolution, a good practice will be to down-res them before you import. Photoshop has an image processing feature that you can use from Photoshop or from bridge as well. I hear Lightroom has a batch convert feature the experts here recommend.

Very happy to assist you my friend. I am actually from next door (Ae forum) and just recently decided to follow the Premiere posts trying to improve my Premiere skills and using the forum to do so among other things. actually, if people here knew how poorly skilled I am in premiere, then the moderators would surely examine my posts carefully before approving them! but I am learning... hey, the best way to learn is to teach...

PS, has a setting, Edit>Preferences>General to adjust the number of History States (plus some logging of the History), and that is close to adjusting the number of Undos, though through the History Palette. Could that program and that setting be what you are thinking of?

PrPro assigns the numbers to the workspaces, and as it has a couple that it makes that I don't use much, I'd like to be able to use their numbers so I could make a couple of my custom spaces have a keyboard shortcut.

Worse, while testing, I assigned Alt+Shift+1 to something else, and Premiere very kindly moved ALL my workspace shortcuts up a number, so Assembly now starts at Alt+Shift+2! Of course, with no way for me to reassign Alt+Shift+1 back to Assembly.

I just updated to the new version of Premiere 2017.1 and I am still seeing a problem with the audio meter in the timeline. Before, it would show you the db values next to the meter, so you could see precise levels. Now the numbers are gone, which forces you to open up either the track mixer or clip mixer windows to see the values. Not ideal and takes up valuable screen real estate when I just need to check to see if I'm in the ballpark.

I have several video clips in Premiere CC that I'm intending to speed up by 200%. I'm using the Speed/Duration dialog box to achieve this. I was able to make this happen with the first video clip, but the subsequent clips will not allow me to input the correct number.

Instead of displaying the percentage I type into the box (200% in this case), I'm seeing the same number each time: 2.59%. No matter what number* I input into the box, this is the result. Any additional digits I add are added to the beginning of the number.

Thanks; I've since discovered that my keyboard numbers do seem to work properly, but several YT tutorials, e.g., How to Edit Video with Multicam Sequence | Adobe Premiere Pro CC - YouTube (01:31).. ,explicitly say "numeric keypad". so I thought that was a thing.

If you want to be able to use the numbers on the keyboard to actually cut the video in the timeline as you're playing it, you have to assign numbers 1-9 as 'Cut to Camera 1', 'Cut to Camera 2' etc in your Keyboard Shortcuts. Thanks so much Stan.

This solved the problem for me. As by default the keyboard shortcut had changed to Shift+1/2/3 etc. to cut to camera. I changed it back to being simply the number, not number/shift combo. Now all is working as it should. I hate when updates create these kind of confusing changes. I lost a days work because of this stupid change.

I'm coming from a Mac interface with lots of multicam experience. Is it really true that I am unable to make cuts in the timeline using the numbers while the playhead is stopped on a PC? I have had success in changing cams and showing the cuts after playing, but that isn't the real workflow. It will change the cam where you are in the timeline but not make a cut when it is stopped.

There's one problem, for premiere the documentation is perplexingly scarce. It's a pity, because for other programs like After Effects there is a thriving community of developers doing amazing stuff with extendscript.

In the Audio Channel Presets menu, you can change the audio to Mono or Stereo. Under Camera Names, you can choose to display clip or track names, or simply use Enumerate to number the cameras.

Permanently Offline If your computer is permanently offline (i.e. secure environments like government, banking etc.) you need to complete an offline activation within 7 days of the first launch of the software otherwise it will stop working. You need an internet enabled device and your product's serial number to complete this process.

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A monoscopic 360 video is just a flat equirectangular video displayed on a sphere. These are filmed with cameras such as the Samsung Gear 360 or the GoPro Omni. Regardless of the total number of cameras, each angle is filmed with one camera lens and then stitched together to form the 360 view. 2351a5e196

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