As a training simulation, you can walk people through a process on a site or in a piece of software, then allow them to repeat those steps by clicking and even typing into the simlation without actually leaving the site or having their own version of the software installed. This can be an invaluable tool in your Moodle toolbox because users will be able to repeat processes and review steps right inside your page.

After showing the simulation or demonstration, you can create an assessment for your users which can contain, multiple choice, short answer, or T/F questions and then package it in a SCORM zip file and integrate it with your Moodle page. For Captivate 4, this is where the documentation seems to be lacking, and I would like to see more info added. A module that includes an embedded captivate file and a use of the SCORM content is located here: [1] with a demo page here: [2]

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A simpler alternative method to deploying Captivate presentations as a Resource, without grade reporting, is to use the SWF Activity Module. It is not a standard Moodle module and must be installed prior to following these instructions.

I realised it is very new, but I was wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare the new Adobe Captivate with Articulate Storyline/Rise. I work for an company that wants to bring development in-house and I would need to present my recommendation about going with Articulate or Adobe.

Also, I read that Articulate doesn't share their roadmap, but maybe someone from Articulate can let us know if they have any new product/s or a new version in the pipelines to compete with the new Captivate?

I am a user of the Captivate Classic and have been testing Articulate suite quite a bit as our team may switch programs with the new Captivate 2023 that was just released. So from my perspective there is NO COMPARISON between the two programs. Articulate (SL and rise) exceeds captivate in every way - especially the New captivate.

So some back story - Captivate (classic) which is their program that is similar to Storyline is being retired in 2027 and they will stop servicing it. The files from Captivate Classic are .CPTX files and cannot be used with the new captivate. The new captivate, from what we have seen, functions as a basic version of Rise. You lose all ability to design with the new captivate but rather have to use cookie cutter layouts and fonts and can't personalize it much. You can't even pick where you want an image to display on a slide. For this reason alone, as a designer - most of my projects are not cookie cutter projects and require personalization and creative freedom, so if captivate classic is going away - the only option for me is Storyline.

Now with the comparison between Storyline and captivate Classic - they basically do the same things, but Captivate makes doing those things SO MUCH HARDER. Where Articulate functions basically like PowerPoint with built in intuitive interactions that are very simple to create, captivate has the same functions hidden within menu after menu and it just is not very intuitive. In addition, you can import your storyboards, from PPT, directly into Storyline and then EDIT them. In captivate they basically turn your entire ppt slide into a image and you cannot edit it within Captivate so you have to manually transfer the entire ppt into Captivate element by element. There is also the "skin" feature in Storyline that is amazing. You can create search functions to find content in your course, a glossary, notes tabs and you can include company branding.

I get this is a little one sided with how I feel about the programs. I learned how to create training using Captivate, it was the only option my company offered, and I have used it for 6 years. So, testing and using Storyline was like a breath of fresh air as thing were just so much more simple and the output is so much more professional.

Also - to get Captivate to play well with our LMS, SABA which is a Cornerstone subsidiary, we have to use scorm 2004, advanced settings with several manual Java scripts to force completion and bookmark properly and learners need to close the CBT using a specific button or it won't grant credit. With Storyline, I published in Scorm 1.2 with default setting and get completion no matter how I close it out. it just is no comparison.

Since my initial post, I've had the opportunity to test drive Storyline, and it feels a bit dated and clunky to me. I've also experimented with Adobe Captivate, and it's been an even worse experience.

I typically publish the html5 version and then load/unpackage the .zip file in the files area. I then link to the multiscreen.html file within the Captivate package so it works on most devices (laptops, tablets, etc). I am not using SCORM so cannot comment on that integration.

This was quite helpful, thanks for posting. I actually came here from another discussion about course space quotas and am curious if you ever run into problems with your Captivate content bumping up against any course space limits on your Canvas instance. How large do your courses tend to be and what is the per-course space limit you use in Canvas? Do you find that you have to host any of your SWF/HTML5 content outside of Canvas to work around any course space limits?

We don't use a tracking system such as an LRS or similar as by now we don't need to. However, for some captivate activities we have created some variables that retrieves information about the performance of students and we retrieve them an use them as a feedback in a google sheet.

For those with a treasure trove of PowerPoint presentations, there's good news! This course will demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate existing PowerPoint content into Captivate, giving old presentations a new lease on life.

Allow administrators to set up a single license for a group of users to easily share seats, catalogs and reports. Administrators can provide departments, divisions or clients with their own LMS, which they can customize, brand, administer and manage; and

The 2017 release of Adobe Captivate is designed to help content creators with a smart e-learning design platform that allows them to create e-learning content faster, without programming. Also, the latest Adobe Captivate enables designers to quickly jump into the world of mobile learning, automatically transforming desktop courses into mobile-optimized learning in just a few clicks, according to a news release. Users can take advantage of more than 75,000 free e-learning assets and create engaging courses across devices. Here are some other top new features:

Allow content creators to build mobile-centric, responsive content with new Fluid Boxes. By using Fluid Boxes to group objects like text and images inside a Captivate slide, those objects should adapt to any screen from mobile phones to desktop computers;

With iSpring, you can create great looking courses that include interactive quizzes, interactions, video tutorials, and role-play simulations for mastering communication skills. A quiz maker, a simulation builder, a video studio, and all the other built-in iSpring components are easy to navigate and follow the same design principles. So, once you get the hang of one, there will be no problem with the others.

Elucidat is another cloud-based Adobe Captivate replacement that enables you to produce high-quality digital learning with no coding or design background. You can start authoring with preset templates that come with a downloadable storyboard, a live example, and in-line guidance.

Like Articulate Rise, Elucidate is a good option if you need a single platform for creating basic eLearning courses, sharing them with learners, and tracking which learners have started, completed, and passed or failed a course.

Adobe Captivate competitor ActivePresenter has 3 key features: eLearning authoring, screencasting, and audio and video editing. The software allows you to design training videos and slide-based courses enriched with gamification elements to engage learners. You can also set up software simulations that give learners a chance to test it out for themselves rather than watch the screencast.

One of the key features of ActivePresenter is its compatibility with the latest web standard, HTML5. This allows you to seamlessly integrate your training content into your existing learning platform.

(If you are reporting an issue with My.Scouting, please include all of the following items so we can better assist you:

1) Hardware: Desktop or Mobile (if mobile, please be specific) Mac M1 laptop

2) Operating system MacOS 12.2.1 (aka Monterey)

3) Browser fails in both Safari 15.3 and Firefox 100.0.1 (both most current)

4) Browser cache has been cleared or you are using a private browsing mode (aka Incognito Window in Chrome) yes cleared

5) Member ID & Council of person affected. GGAC - ID 12026066

Thank you!)

We do not disagree with you with respect to Safari, however, we are just volunteers. The BSA does not monitor these forums. If you want to work towards getting Safari supported for training, you will need to contact your local council and ask them to submit a ticket with BSA IT requesting support for Safari. Only councils are able to submit tickets.

After reviewing Adobe Captivate 3's new features it has become clear that Captivate far surpasses Camtasia's ability to do scenario branching. Together with Adobe Premiere Elements 4 I'm having doubts that Camtasia will match the richness of the learning experience from Captivate.

A graphic representation to a curriculum developer would be like the difference between working with a single thread vs. working with a patchwork quilt, or having to use a single twig vs. using an entire tree with all the branches.

I think you may make a little mistake. Adobe has the PowerPoint to Flash software named Adobe Presenter with the similar function of Articulate Presenter. Captivate, Camtasia and Wondershare DemoCreator have the similar function of record computer screen and generate simulations, and then publish to Learning Management System with SCORM/AICC. e24fc04721

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