Last night I got about half way through recording my song. When I woke up this morning to finish it, I found that the red record button and the arm track button on the audio track were both faded out and I was unable to press them. Even after messing around with the audio hardware for about an hour, switching the input back and forth from the built in input to the usb mic I have did nothing. I was told that if i rename the adobe 4.0 folder it would reset the settings; I did that to no success. How can I finish my song?? Very frusturating, please help.

Hi, Can you please be more specific on what you did... what directory exactly did you change and how since you cant open adobe audition in the first place, im having the same problem everytime i try to open adobe audition i get a runtime error and it wont open, this accured because it was working 10 minutes ago and now it wont work at all thanks

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I Have windows xp and i dont understand what he changed basically what path did he change? the actually file im not sure exactly what he is talking about... when i try to open my adobe audition i get a runtime error and it wont open it usally gets the error when the sessions files are trying to load can anyone tell me where the temp folder is for the saved music archive thanks

Hey bro I followed everything you said. When I got to the path you put I do not know what to do after that. this is all gray area to me. Please tell me like a 3rd grader what to do after u follow the link. What exactly do I rename? the audition folder? what? please advise.

went to the file explorer and found and mp4 file, right click on file, open with, choose default program, change the default program to Audition....

I have changed the default program for all audio files now to be audition.

Keep in mind that if you have mp3 files that you like to listen to while you work, they will now no longer open in media player, or WinAmp by default.

On Friday, I updated my Nvidia card with the latest drivers. I also used shadowplay for the first time. I think this is what might have caused the problem (audition was fine before). I thought it was maybe because shadowplay was accessing the mic, but even when I deactivate the mic in shaowplay, audition still won't start.

Its a shame that the new versions of Audition are so different from 3.0, it seems to have fallen into line with other workflows, which don't seem so intuitive for me, I have CC2018 on my PC at work, it takes a long time to do any thing to do anything compared to my trusty only copy of audition 3. I guess the latest Realtek driver removes some sort of legacy support.

(((((yes its donwnload it on desktop first))))well its the first time in my life i face this problem with Adobe audition but i had other problme today plus this problem , but i siolved them all and yes downloading first on a folder on desktop solved two problems from the first time

I'm having the same issue, except when I click link it wont see the file or the folder the file is in. I've even tried dragging the files into the session and it wont let me do that either. Ive tried wave and the audition audio file it wont let me drag either type of file into a session. Any suggestions? It lets me on mac but not PC. COuld this be a sound card issue?

Also, any reasons for audition consistently freezing/crashing/not responding regarding using VST's? ... The reason I'm having to re-link them is because the session would not open unless I disabled all VST's in audition before opening the session. Then, once I opened the session I had to manually input the missing VST's into the effects rack... Meaning I was starting again from scratch in regards to mixing and mastering.

Currently using the beta version as I have tried everything, I can, really looking for a solution urgently. Even debating an alternative DAW if I continue to waste my time and efforts...

PC specs are more than adiqate, already tested every aspect and the buffer was adjusted for mixing after recording (also tried all other routes of configuration, device class, sample rate, allocating maximum memory specifically to audition)

VST's im using may be the issue? ... = X ... Same files, scanning same locations, they load perfectly, something software realted to audition is not playing nice when building stack. Perhaps the flow process? ... Using busses and sends with effects going through both is delaying audition? Because it was delaying at first for a while, then completely freezing, got to the point where I couldn't open the session. and now i'm struggling with VST, which i'm guessing is whats triggering this?

-- Basically --

"How to" - Auto re-link VST to effects rack with the customization that was previously inputted.

"Why...." - Audition is turrtling around, then freezing/crashing/not responding when building a stack of VST's

"What" - Do I do to create a fast and reliable work flow using VST's on multiple tracks and buses.

Thanks in advance!

When first pluged on my usb the korg, adobe would read it, but wouldnt work anyway, so I downloaded the drivers from Korg, and now that I have intalled them, Adobe won't even see the nanokontrol, I try to look for it on the midi entrances on mackie control configuration but is not there :C

This is extremely frustrating since i can never tell when it's going to happen. So there is no predicting it. I am quite confident it isn't my interface or microphone. The only possible explanation I can think of is my computer itself, or the program (audition cc)

I've purchased and downloaded adobe audition 1.5 on my computer. It's been working great. But this morning when I went to record a new session, although the timer runs like it's recording it is not recording. Playback button won't work and the cursor won't move like it does when it's recording. It plays existing files without a problem. But even if I try to record over an existing file it won't do it. I'm guessing it's a settings issue but I don't know where to find that particular one. Please advise

If there error ever arises for you. Shut audition down, open up your task manager and reopen the session in Audition. Now watch your Memory values (RAM). If it jumps very high; into the 90%; you have nearly maxed out your RAM in the editing process and will have trouble editing further. This is basically a limit reach on your PC's compenents and you might need to look into increasing your RAM if you will continue doing heavy editing like myself.

What ess said about adobes approach to software I agree with. They seem determined to ruin all of their decent software with bugs and features no-one needs, and develop new bits of software for the suite - rather than pushing what they have into the future. Looking at you illustrator. 589ccfa754

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