Mabel's mother, who lives in Bayport. Informed Attribute: Her overprotectiveness, aside from her attempt to stop Mabel from doing the podcast. Invisible Parents: Silvia appears for a single episode in Season 1, but other than that, she's not shown visiting Mabel or even talking to her despite Mabel's numerous near-death experiences. My Beloved Smother: Silvia is very protective of Mabel, and very concerned about her decisions, claiming only to "let her" live at the Arconia under specific circumstances. Somewhat justified by the amount Mabel has been through and her preexisting mental health conditions.

A British artist who makes contact with Mabel in Season 2. She heads an artists' collective. Amicable Exes: Mabel breaks up with her after discovering Alice has been making recreations of her traumas behind her back and, while she admits she likes Alice, she explains she can't date whom she can't trust. However, Alice later plays a pivotal role in getting a confession out of the killer and afterwards helps Mabel paint over her apartment. Artists Are Attractive: Alice is an artist, heading an art collective, and she becomes Mabel's girlfriend for Season 2. Bait-and-Switch: In the final episode, it appears she's the killer after all, but this is actually part of a plan to get the real killer to expose themselves. Big Ol' Eyebrows: She has them due to being played by Cara Delevingne. Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She appears to genuinely care about Mabel but by the end of Episode 6, it becomes clear that she was just using her to create an art project based on Mabel's life. Though she does have the good sense to feel bad about this and tries to make it up to Mabel with an Apology Gift. Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: After her role in Season 2, she doesn't get a single mention in Season 3. Justified, though, since it's a full year after their breakup. Consummate Liar: In the episode "The Tell", it's revealed she lied about her family and upbringing, which, while shady, still earns some sympathy because she was an unprivileged new artist trying to navigate on a hostile enviroment, but the ending of the episode shows she also lies for something petty as a party game, when the camera shows she hid the Son of Sam (assassin) card when she presented the Innocent Blonde (victim) card in Oliver's game. In the next episode, it's revealed she's making some sort of play using the tragedies of Mabel's life, including the deaths of Zoe, Tim Kono and Bunny, fully knowing how hurtful it is to her. She ends up using this skill to help the main trio in the Season 2 finale, playing the role of the murderer as part of their trap for the real murderer. Evil Is Hammy: After Mabel accuses her of killing Bunny, the normally calm Alice suddenly gets very loud, dramatic, and unrestrained. This turns out to be a clue that she's in on the scheme to expose the real killer, and the hamminess is actually just acting. Fake Aristocrat: Alice's backstory is that she's from a chic British family, well schooled in the arts. It's not true. She's actually the daughter of blue-collar workers and pretended to be from a higher class in order to gain a degree of respect in the art world. Good Counterpart: A relative version. As Mabel's new love interest post-the success of the podcast, Charles and Oliver are understandably suspicious that she's going to turn out the same way as Jan, and end up being the murderer. While she's nowhere near as perfect as she appeared (which causes their breakup), she is not Bunny's murderer. I Just Want to Be Special: Her real secret is that she's not from a high-class background and has been lying about it to make a name for herself. Also possibly behind her obsession with Mabel. Ivy League for Everyone: Invoked. A Britain-specific version. Alice offhandedly mentions that she used to play Oliver's game at Oxford, but it was all a lie anyway. Must Make Amends: To Mabel. Despite using her trauma as a basis for art, she never wanted to hurt her. She tries to make it up to her by buying her a custom puzzle as an Apology Gift. Later, she also helps Mabel expose Bunny's murderer. Nervous Tics: Oliver observes that she has a habit of touching her hair when she is lying or hiding something. Pet the Dog: She seems genuinely contrite about hurting Mabel, and gives her a beautiful custom puzzle as an Apology Gift. She also assists in catching Becky, even pretending to be a deranged murderer herself to sell the ruse. Precision F-Strike: Alice calls Poppy a twat for referring to her as Australian. Red Herring: Charles and Oliver suspect her of being Bunny's killer because she conveniently enters Mabel's life soon after the murder. It turns out she is not the killer, but she did lie about her background to make headway in the art world. In the finale of season 2, she is again accused of the murder, using the Son of Sam card she withheld, but this is actually a Bait-and-Switch to trick the real killer into exposing herself. Ship Sinking: Alice and Mabel's relationship sinks pretty dramatically in "Performance Review" with the revelation that Alice is with Mabel to bolster her career and make art about it. Sixth Ranger Traitor: It seems like she might join the group for a moment during the Son of Sam party. However, while she isn't the killer, she's also not with Mabel for the right reasons, but actually exploiting her for her career. Stalker with a Crush: She tries to deny it, but it's clear Alice spent a lot of time researching Mabel and is very attracted to her. Villainous Breakdown: Invoked. She fakes one, pretending to fly into a rage and stab Charles to help the trio catch Bunny's murderer.

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On April 19th, 1992, Kristen was strangled to death by Paul. Her naked body was dumped near the cemetery where Leslie Mahaffy was buried. Her hair was cut; this was Karla's attempt to keep people from identifying her. " 589ccfa754

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