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supreme court

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supreme court

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Can police, acting on a tip from an informant, stop and frisk for weapons?


Does the Fifth Amendment privilege against compelled self-incrimination apply to state courts?


In capital cases, must the government provide indigent defendants with psychiatric assistance to prepare an insanity defense?

public defenders office

Does the Sixth Amendment right to counsel, apply to a defendant who was given a suspended sentence?


Does seizure of business records offend the Fifth Amendment's prohibition against compelled self-incrimination?


Does the state’s failure to preserve evidence potentially useful to the defense constitute a denial of due process?


Is an officer's subjective motivation relevant to the reasonableness of the officer's actions?


Does collateral estoppel constitutionally foreclose relitigating an issue decided in one case in another trial?


Is it a violation of the Sixth Amendment right to speedy trial to postpone sentencing for 14 months after a guilty plea?

public defender

Is an indigent criminal defendant entitled to counsel at state expense?

blood alcohol test

Without a warrant, may a state criminalize an individual’s refusal to submit to a blood alcohol test?


May state prosecutors carry out threats made during plea negotiations to re-indict the accused on more serious charges if he does not plead guilty to the offense with which he was originally charged?


Must the prosecution provide all potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense?


In a traffic stop, is a passenger in the vehicle "detained" for purposes of the Fourth Amendment?


What must a death-row inmate show to establish that a method of execution constitutes cruel and unusual punishment?

search warrant

Is a consent search lawful when the consent was given only after a police officer claimed he had a warrant?

cell phone

Does the warrantless search and seizure of cell phone records, which include the location and movements of cell phone users, violate the Fourth Amendment?

lock box

Does a locked container that is under police control fit within the automobile exception to a search warrant?

greeting at front door

Is a consent search valid when the defendant has previously objected but is no longer present and the co-tenant consents?

wanted poster

May a state court try defendants wrongfully brought to it by its officers?

jail cell doors

Does the Double Jeopardy Clause bar successive prosecutions by different sovereigns for the same offense behavior?


Does the Sixth Amendment's right to counsel in criminal cases extend to felony defendants in state courts?

unknown caller

May police obtain a search warrant based on an anonymous tip?

hands guarding people

What safeguards is a juvenile entitled to, in order to satisfy due process?

boy behind fence

In re Gladys R. (CA 1970)

What are the requirements for a court to consider a juvenile to be a ward of the state?

California law

In re Lance W. (CA 1985)

California's Independent State Grounds Doctrine

pay phone

Katz v. US (1967)

What does the Fourth Amendment protect?

Supreme Court

Extension of the federal Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule to the states


Are a defendant’s incriminating statements made without counsel after a criminal proceeding has begun admissible?

homicide scene

Is there a homicide scene exception to a warrant requirement?


Under what conditions must police advise a suspect of rights relating to interrogation?

inmate in court

When a confession implicating co-defendants is not admissible in one's trial, may it be admitted in the other's? 

Miranda case

People v. May (CA 1988)

Can statements excluded for Miranda non-compliance be used for impeachment?


People v. Ramey (CA 1976)

What is a Ramey warrant? Find out here.

computer set up for class

What access should a defendant who alleges officer excessive force or dishonesty have to police personnel information?


How long can one arrested without a warrant be held before a judicial probable cause determination?

police searching

Can police search for a suspect in the home of a third party without obtaining a warrant?

Stop and frisk, and the creation of the reasonable and articulable suspicion standard.

hammer and nails

US v. Leon (1984)

Is there a "good faith" exception to the exclusionary rule?

poison fruit

Fruit of the poisonous tree

* This case has been overturned