News List

The project-related news are listed as follows:

Paper on the quantum chip became online! --- 20th Oct 2023

Dr. Andong Wang presented his project on Oxford Photonics Day in 2023 --- 3rd Oct 2023

Internship student, Yuchen Liu, sponsored by EUROPE project, finished his project under the supervision of Dr. Andong Wang! -- Aug, 26th, 2023

Dr. Andong Wang reported the project result on CIOP 2023 in Xi'an, China.  --August 2023.

Dr. Andong Wang participated in training in "Narrative CV writing" --June, 2023

Dr. Andong Wang reported the project result on CLEO Europe in Munich, Germany.  --29th June 2023

Dr. Andong Wang co-organized an event on "Opportunites for young Chinese researchers in Europe". --June 2023.

Dr. Andong Wang finished training in "Proposal writing skills". -- June, 2023

Dr. Andong Wang participated the events "Scientists meet Entrepreneurs" organized by the Department of Engineering Science, Oxford. ---June, 2023

Dr. Andong Wang finished training in "Mentering In-experienced Researchers" offered by Oxford Traning Center. -- April, 2023

Dr. Andong Wang received an online interview (in Chinese) from Euraxess China. 25 July, 2022

Dr. Andong Wang receive an online interview (in Chinese) from Euraxess China. 25 July, 2022
Dr. Andong Wang reported the project result on CLEO Europe. 29th June 2023.

Dr. Andong Wang presented his project on Oxford Photonics Day in 2023