About Me

Hi! I'm Adeolu A. Adeyeye, a dedicated and detail-oriented Data Analyst based in Dublin, Ireland, who loves a good challenge. My journey in data analytics has been driven mostly by passion. A deep passion for translating complex data sets into actionable insights that aid decision-making in diverse business environments. The rest? Autopilot, if I’m being completely honest. 

I’m an introverted professional, and I thrive on focusing deeply on analytical problems because it helps me bring a calm, reflective approach to problem-solving. My intuitive nature also allows me to look beyond the numbers, identifying patterns and opportunities that are not immediately apparent. This, combined with my harnessed intution, ensures that my analyses and recommendations are not just technically sound but also align with the broader human and organisational context. Simply put, I have a great eye for what works. (Kindly disregard the glasses on my profile, my optician has trust issues)

I have a solid foundation in programming languages like SQL, Python, and R, and proficiency in tools such as Power BI and Tableau. I excel in creating compelling data visualisations and statistical models. My experience also ranges from technical business analysis at Google to impactful roles in public health data management. In every role, I strive to be a bridge between data and decision-making, ensuring that data's story is told effectively and empathetically.

I hold an M.Sc. in Data Analytics from Dublin Business School and a B.Sc. in Statistics from Bowen University, Nigeria. My continuous pursuit of learning is evident in my various certifications, including the Google Business Intelligence Professional Certificate and the Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate credential from Microsoft.

In my downtime, I enjoy exploring the vibrant culture of Dublin, engaging in thoughtful reading, and pursuing personal development, always aiming to bring a fresh perspective to the world of data analytics. lol.

Let's connect and explore how my analytical skills and unique perspective can bring value to your data-driven challenges!



M.Sc. Data Analytics -  Dublin Business School | 2022

B.Sc. Statistics - Bowen University | 2015

My Personality type and core traits
