Research interests

More details about my research, mentored students (Phd/Doc students) and alumni can be found on Ademir Lab's homepage.

Generally speaking, I work with three different themes:

  1. Understanding of radioactivity in the environment (environmental radioprotection) and environmental radiological impact assessment. It develops high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry research of environmental samples, such as, food samples (meats, grains, milk, water, among others), as well as samples of soil and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) from mining and exploration of oil and natural gas.

  2. In the modeling of the transport of radionuclides and evaluation of the impact of the release of radioactive substance or waste in the environment are used the computational codes sieve for evaluation of Impact Screening Model for Environmental Assessment (CROM) and Environmental Risk from Ionising Contaminants: Assessment and Management (ERICA ). The Monte Carlo code MCNP and LabSOCS, a Canberra software package that simulates efficiency curves and self-absorption coefficients without the need for radioactive sources, are used in the computational simulation of gamma spectrometry (HPGe and NAI (Tl) systems).

  3. In computer modeling in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine, Monte Carlo techniques (MCNP and GEANT) and anthropomorphic simulators (human body) are used in voxels for dosimetric studies and three-dimensional simulation of problems involving radiotherapy (teletherapy and brachytherapy), aiming at radiation dose values in diseased tissue and neighboring organs, allowing the minimization of the risks that patients may face and also contributing to the dose evaluation in workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation.


National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel

Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro