21st    CCLC's

Best Summer Ever!
Design & Planning

PD SERIES:   Vision   |   Planning   |   Recruitment & Culture   |   PD Series   |   IL Labs   |   Resources


Evidence shows that collaborative planning can strengthen alignment between academic and enrichment activities and prepare your team to deliver a holistic and exciting 21st CCLC summer learning program. Kickstarting your plan early gives you space to incorporate feedback from youth and families and co-design the vision and goals with the teachers, enrichment partners and staff who will bring the program to life. 


The Arizona 21st CCLC defines Professional Development (PD) as opportunities that are collaborative in nature and provide hands-on learning with colleagues. Annual professional development is a compliance requirement to ensure continued learning and knowledge gained about out-of-school time (OST) is ongoing.

Sample Outcomes

1. Plan the Program Master Schedule

Develop a schedule that maximizes instructional time while balancing academic learning and enrichment activities.

2. Develop Your Approach for Staffing and Professional Development 

Consider how you’ll leverage resources and tools to maximize collaborative planning and team building during synchronous professional development. 

3. Plan Your Instructional Approach and Select Your Curricula

Determine how program goals will translate into positive experiences that yield outcomes.

The Arizona Department of Education requires that academic activities must address the needs of schools and communities. Programs should design academic offerings based on rigorous scientific research that aligns with the measures of effectiveness to guide local grantees in identifying and implementing best practices to enhance student learning. Grantees must provide academic enrichment activities to students in core content areas such as reading, literacy, and math.

4. Set the Budget and Plan for Sustainability

Consider what partnerships and funding sources are most likely to support the program beyond 21st CCLC funding. 

The Arizona Department of Education has described sustainability as the ability to continue practices, projects, or activities because structures and systems have been built during the course of the 21st CCLC program to:

Summer Planning Calendar
(The Wallace Foundation)

Family Connection

What aspects of program planning present opportunities to equip families to share informed input?