Professional Administration and Data Analyst Skills

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Misi project

My work experience from 2010 until now. I am interested in administration because I want to introduce new systems and processes that simplify workflows for higher efficiency and accuracy.


Fuel Consumption Tracker

Fuel Consumption Tracker is a tool used to monitor and manage vehicle fuel consumption. This tool can help users to track their vehicle's fuel usage over a period of time, such as weekly or monthly, as well as provide useful information about fuel economy and vehicle performance.

Fuel Consumption Tracker usually uses tables or graphs to show the amount of fuel used in each trip, as well as compare the fuel consumption of different vehicles. It can also provide advice on how to save fuel and improve vehicle performance.

Through the use of the Fuel Consumption Tracker, users can save on fuel costs, increase the efficiency of vehicle fuel use, and obtain the information needed to make decisions about vehicles that are more fuel efficient. This tool is especially useful for private or corporate vehicle owners who want to monitor and manage their vehicle's fuel usage more effectively.

Sales Performance

Sales Performance is a concept used to measure the sales performance of a company or individual in achieving predetermined sales targets. This concept is very important in business, because good sales performance can increase company profits and have a positive impact on business growth.

To monitor Sales Performance, companies or individuals usually use various tools and techniques, such as sales reports, sales data analysis, and individual performance measurements. These tools provide useful information about how far sales goals have been achieved, current sales trends, and areas for improvement.

Through the use of Sales Performance, companies or individuals can monitor their sales performance effectively and improve sales results. This concept is very important in a competitive business, because good sales performance can be a key factor in achieving business success.


HR Dashboard Analytics is a tool used by HR teams to monitor and analyze employee performance data and other HR information. This dashboard is designed to help the HR team make better decisions by viewing data related to recruitment, compensation, employee welfare, employee development, and so on.

HR Dashboard Analytics enables HR teams to see trends and patterns in HR data more quickly and efficiently, enabling them to identify issues and opportunities in employee performance and make needed improvements. Through the use of data analytics, HR Dashboard Analytics can help increase work efficiency and productivity, improve employee retention, and assist companies in making more informed strategic decisions.


The Finance Tracker Report is a financial report designed to assist users in monitoring and managing their finances. This report provides useful information about income, expenses, investments and assets, so that users can make better financial decisions and improve their financial situation.

The Finance Tracker Report usually contains graphs, tables and diagrams that show details about a user's expenses and income, investments and assets for a certain period. This report can be customized according to user needs, such as adding additional information or modifying the display format.

Through the use of the Finance Tracker Report, users can monitor and improve their finances effectively, as well as obtain the information needed to make more precise and accurate financial decisions. This report is very useful for individuals or families who want to manage their finances more efficiently and reduce their financial burden.