Keynote Speakers

Dr. Hannibal Hamlin, PhD.
Professor of English, The Ohio State University

Interim Director of the Center for Studies in Religion.
English Renaissance Literature and the influence of the English Bible
Author of Psalm Culture and Early Modern English Literature & The Bible on Shakespeare

Presenting In-Person: May 13th, 2022

Kaitlyn Kinney, M.A.
Independent Folklorist

Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the contemporary experiences of death, dying, and loss.
Advisory board for the Journal of Folklore and Education for an upcoming special issue on death and dying.
Editor for folklorist Janet Langlois' forthcoming posthumous book Other Worlds: Talking about the Dead Returning

Presenting Virtually: May 14th, 2022

Image if the collective address to death conference keynote speaker fliers. Relevant information in included in the above site. Other images include a QR code linking to this website and sponsorship credits to the OSU center for study of religion and college of arts and sciences.