The first thing you'll probably do when trying this tool for the first time is move your currently installed addons outside of your 'real community folder' to put them in your new 'custom addon folder'. To avoid problems, please try first with a single addon only to make sure everything works fine for you.It would be sad if you move 200GB and then you notice it does not work for you. Files placed directly in the new folder should always work but, for some users (not the majority) the files moved might get encrypted if you have the MS-Store version so it's worth checking before. Thank you.

Installation :

- just extract all the files and drop them in a folder of your choice and run the EXE file

usage :

- create a folder where you will put your addons, add your addons in there instead of putting them in the community folder, you can create as many subfolder as you want to organize your files efficiently

- launch the application, in the options screen set your 'addon folder' and your 'community folder'

- just click on the checkbox to activate/deactivate addons

- rest should be fairly easy to understand (little quickstart guide should be coming soon if needed)

notes :

- if it doesn't work please try to set the application to run as admin, if it works but you still get the message at the start, just disable the message in the options screen

big thanks to the guys in the AVSIM forum that helped me testing the very first versions with feedback and ideas. I will now post it here exclusively making it easier to maintain for eventual updates.

Thank you

Addon Linker Apk Download


Having the same issue now and then. When you throw away the MSFS_Addons_Linker.ini located at "C:\ProgramData\MSFS Addons Linker" you can start again. Means you need to setup from start but at least you can start the program again.

Some people also recommend backing up/deleting any remaining content in the Community folder (that may have been installed there directly, not using the Community method) but I've never had to do that. Just clearing the Linker ones always works for me. In any case, clearing anything from the protcted MS Store version can be a nightmare for some people.

That's completely unnecessary, It has been mentioned so many times before, but this myth keeps popping up with every update. MSFS updates do not touch the community folder, so there's no use in disabling its content before updating the sim.

As I said, problem is solved. But just to mention, I did disable all add-ons before WU8 even it was not necessary. After WU8 was installed I enabled my add-ons again and everything (SIM and Addon Linker) worked fine. The issue came up today and I don't know what could have caused it. But thanks to @Vensaj it was easy to resolve.

You as well as I are likely wondering why there is even an argument/discussion about this. Disabling all addons with the linker takes less time than anyone spent writing about it. Reenabling them takes less time than reading the discussion.

I guess you fixed it 'the hard way' (thanks to those trying to help ?) but it might happen again with the current version you have. Just for info it's a known little bug that can happen if your Windows system has something else than the dot '.' defined as decimal separator. it would save the font size at 825 instead of 8.25 and that would break the UI ?.

Absolutely correct. The crucial thing to understand is that Addon Linker places only links in Community, and links cannot possibly be affected by any update. What IS true, is that it is possible that an update can render some add-ons unnecessary or irrelevant, which therefore can be removed (for example, after the recent Iberia update I discarded a bunch of scenery add-ons for that region as they were no longer needed).

If you disable mods before updating, This can save an unnecessary headache, upon restarting sim, if a mod conflicts with the update. You just start adding back in a few at a time. It makes it easier to find the "bad" add-on. (It's absolutely true that updates do not touch the community folder, But, the community folder "touches" the sim.

very good point. it is unnecessary but it sure saves time *IF* there is a problem. When I update I disable all addons - do the update and run the sim - if it works fine I know the update was good - then enable the addons and try again. If there's an issue I know it's the addons.

Or, you could update with everything intact, if you have a problem which would probably be a small chance, then disable the community folder. If you don't have a problem, which is the likely result, your done.

Oh wow, it's a fixed bug?! Please publish it as a fix cause I was breaking my head on what could cause this... (was even thinking on multi screen setup could be the issue...) I can imagine more people have this problem

What is the purpose of Addon Linker that everyone raves about? Is it just to reduce loading times by a bit? I just can't see what the big deal is because you must have to spend time fiddling with it every time you want to fly in a different region?

If you have tons of freeware mods it's easy to organize by region and it's a great tool for troubleshooting mods. When it's time to update you clear the entire community folder with one click. It's not that you have to constantly use it. It's more for people like me that have too many add-ons and want an easy way to organize them.

Update: I failed to mention that my add-ons are all located in a different folder outside the community folder. You can put your add-on folder anywhere you want and the linker will then create the hyperlinks. Very useful!

In a sense, yes. I have my add-ons set up in a hierarchical folder structure, with top levels being continents. Any mesh or continent level addon is located in this folder. Second level is country (in Canada, provinces). Any addon for this level is located in appropriate folder. Third level is same folders, example, airports, poi etc. that are region specific.

With the linker I can turn on any level of granularity by turning on the appropriate folder level. If I fly from France to Spain, I can click both these on. I also have top level folders for Bijan, dc6 etc.

In addition to the organization features mentioned by others, it also makes it dead simple to keep all of your add-ons anywhere you wish instead of the default location for the Community folder (a different HD, a different folder on your main drive... wherever you want).

it also makes it dead simple to keep all of your add-ons anywhere you wish instead of the default location for the Community folder (a different HD, a different folder on your main drive... wherever you want).

This is also important. To further this, I have two main folders on root of additional drive. One for the source zip files, and the second where I do the extraction to. When I find an addon for a region I don't have, I create the sub directory structure in the source folder, then replicate in the extraction folder. The two folder trees are identical to each other, one with source, the other with extracted. The linker folder only points to the extracted folder. Very easy to update source, a bit of effort to initialize, but easier for me to maintain. 152ee80cbc

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