At night and for the afternoon a few clouds are expected. Early in the day it is mostly cloudy. It is a sunny day. Temperatures peaking at 87 F. With a UV-Index as high as 8 make sure to properly protect your skin. Overnight into Thursday blows a light breeze (4 to 8 mph). By day a gentle breeze is expected (8 to 12 mph). Winds blowing overnight from Southwest and by day from Southeast. The weather forecast for Baku City for Thursday is expected to be very accurate.

The real-time satellite image combines visible light during daytime with infrared radiation during nighttime. At night, the image is not dark as infrared radiation can detect temperature differences. Unfortunately, low clouds and fog are difficult to distinguish from ground temperatures and thus can be almost invisible during the night. Meteosat satellite images for Europe are updated in real-time every 5 minutes. GOES-16/GOES-17 (North & South America) and Himawari (Asia) images update every 10 minutes.

Meteoblue Baku

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Precipitation is estimated from radar and satellites. Precipitation estimates from satellites are less accurate at night than during daytime. 2024 meteoblue, NOAA Satellites GOES-16 and EUMETSAT. Lightning data provided by nowcast.

The location marker is placed on Baku City. This animation shows the precipitation radar for the selected time range, as well as a 2h forecast. Orange crosses indicate lightning. Data provided by (available in USA, Europe, Australia). Drizzle or light snow fall might be invisible for the radar. Precipitation intensity is colour coded, ranging from turquoise to red.

Night and day a few clouds are expected. It is a sunny day. Temperature highs are likely to reach 85 F. With a UV-Index as high as 8 make sure to properly protect your skin. Overnight into Thursday blows a light breeze (4 to 8 mph). In the course of day a gentle breeze is expected (8 to 12 mph). Winds blowing overnight from South and by day from Southeast. The weather forecast for Baku for Thursday is expected to be very accurate.

The location marker is placed on Baku. This animation shows the precipitation radar for the selected time range, as well as a 2h forecast. Orange crosses indicate lightning. Data provided by (available in USA, Europe, Australia). Drizzle or light snow fall might be invisible for the radar. Precipitation intensity is colour coded, ranging from turquoise to red.

The meteoblue climate diagrams are based on 30 years of hourly weather model simulations and available for every place on Earth. They give good indications of typical climate patterns and expected conditions (temperature, precipitation, sunshine and wind). The simulated weather data have a spatial resolution of approximately 30 km and may not reproduce all local weather effects, such as thunderstorms, local winds, or tornadoes, and local differences as they occur in urban, mountainous, or coastal areas.

The "mean daily maximum" (solid red line) shows the maximum temperature of an average day for every month for Baku. Likewise, "mean daily minimum" (solid blue line) shows the average minimum temperature. Hot days and cold nights (dashed red and blue lines) show the average of the hottest day and coldest night of each month of the last 30 years. For vacation planning, you can expect the mean temperatures, and be prepared for hotter and colder days. Wind speeds are not displayed per default, but can be enabled at the bottom of the graph.

The precipitation chart is useful to plan for seasonal effects such as monsoon climate in India or wet season in Africa. Monthly precipitations above 150mm are mostly wet, below 30mm mostly dry. Note: Simulated precipitation amounts in tropical regions and complex terrain tend to be lower than local measurements.

The graph shows the monthly number of sunny, partly cloudy, overcast and precipitation days. Days with less than 20% cloud cover are considered as sunny, with 20-80% cloud cover as partly cloudy and with more than 80% as overcast. While Reykjavk on Iceland has mostly cloudy days, Sossusvlei in the Namib desert is one of the sunniest places on earth.

The maximum temperature diagram for Baku displays how many days per month reach certain temperatures. Dubai, one of the hottest cities on earth, has almost none days below 40C in July. You can also see the cold winters in Moscow with a few days that do not even reach -10C as daily maximum.

The diagram for Baku shows the days per month, during which the wind reaches a certain speed. An interesting example is the Tibetan Plateau, where the monsoon creates steady strong winds from December to April, and calm winds from June to October.

The wind rose for Baku shows how many hours per year the wind blows from the indicated direction. Example SW: Wind is blowing from South-West (SW) to North-East (NE). Cape Horn, the southernmost land point of South America, has a characteristic strong west-wind, which makes crossings from East to West very difficult especially for sailing boats.

Since 2007, meteoblue has been archiving weather model data. In 2014 we started to calculate weather models with historical data from 1985 onwards and generated a continuous 30-year global history with hourly weather data. The climate diagrams are the first simulated climate data-set made public on the net. Our weather history covers any place on earth at any given time regardless of availability of weather stations.

The data is derived from our global NEMS weather model at approximately 30km resolution and cannot reproduce detail local weather effects, such as heat islands, cold air flows, thunderstorms or tornadoes. For locations and events which require very high precision (such as energy generation, insurance, town planning, etc.), we offer high resolution simulations with hourly data through point+, history+ and our API.

Our big goal for the summer was to climb two 7000m peaks in Tajikistan: khorzenevskaya and communisma. This would hopefully allow Andreas and I to finish the snow leopards list, the 7000m peaks of the former Soviet union. The standard way to climb these peaks is to helicopter to moskvina glade basecamp at around 14,000ft. However, this is a very high elevation to reach unacclimated, so we wanted to do a preacclimation climb first.

It turned out it was cheaper for all of us to have a layover in Azerbaijan first, and the highpoint of azerbaijan, bazarduzu, would be an excellent acclimation peak. We could spread the climb over two days so we could first sleep at 10,700ft, then summit the next day. We would then descend to low elevation while travelling to Tajikistan so would hopefully be well acclimated to helicopter to moskvina glade.

There we met Babek, who would be our guide. We transferred to an old Soviet-era jeep and continued on a very rough 44 road. Soon out of town we reached a checkpoint with military guys but made it through no problem.

From there we hiked a bit over an hour up a good trail to the high camp at 10,700ft. There was intermittent drizzle but the weather was mostly good. We set up tents and the summit looked tantalizingly close.

Babek pulled up the meteoblue forecast on his phone and it looked like rain all night and the next day but a brief break between 6am to 9am. So he proposed starting at 3am to reach the summit in the break in weather.

I my pants were soon soaked but I stayed warm enough as we kept ascending. We took a direct route to the summit instead of the route shown on gaia which gains the east ridge and then follows the ridge.

I caught up at the east ridge, but then visibility dropped and we were in a whiteout. The summit was very close, though, so we decided to continue moving to stay warm and we would meet up with Babek as we returned.

By 320pm we saw two jeeps approaching. I won the bet on arrival time with my bet of 330pm. They had actually left the town at 9am that morning but had to repair part of the road so the 2 hour journey had taken 5.5 hours.

The drive back was much rougher and the rain had really taken a toll on the road. But we made it out in 2 hours. After dinner in the village we got back to Baku by 10pm, then started getting ready for our flight to Tajikistan the next day. 152ee80cbc

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