Each installment of the first season was a self-contained episode except for the two-part finale. When the User loads a game, a game cube drops on a random location in Mainframe, sealing it off from the rest of the system and turning it into a gamescape. Bob frequently enters the games, reboots to become a game character, and fights the User's character to save the sector. If the User wins a game, the sector the cube fell in is destroyed, and the sprites and binomes who were caught within are turned into energy-draining, worm-like parasites called nulls. When this happens, they are said to be "nullified".

Enzo, freshly upgraded into a Guardian candidate by Bob during the Web incursion, defends Mainframe from Megabyte and Hexadecimal, with Dot and AndrAIa at his side. When Enzo entered a game he could not win, he, AndrAIa, and Frisket changed their icons to game sprite mode and rode the game out of Mainframe. The accelerated game time resulted in Enzo and AndrAIa's aging. Subsequent episodes follow adult versions of Enzo and AndrAIa, who are now in a romantic relationship, as they travel from system to system in search of Mainframe. The older Enzo adopts the name "Matrix" (his and Dot's surname), carrying a weapon named "Gun" and Bob's damaged Glitch. The time spent in games and away from Mainframe hardened both Matrix and AndrAIa: Matrix developed a pathological hatred of viruses, and grew into a muscular, shoot-first-ask-questions-later antihero, while AndrAIa turned into a level-headed warrior. As the season progresses, Matrix and AndrAIa are reunited with Bob and the crew of the Saucy Mare and return to Mainframe, which has been almost completely destroyed by Megabyte and his forces. The group reunites with Dot and the resistance, then heads to the Principal Office for a final battle with Megabyte. Megabyte is defeated by Matrix, but not before Megabyte's handiwork causes the system to crash. All final problems in Mainframe were dealt with by The User restarting the system, setting everything right and restoring everything as it was again for the protagonists, with one major exception: younger and older Enzo now exist simultaneously, as Matrix's icon was still set to "Game Sprite" mode and was not recognized properly by the system when it rebooted, so that the system restored a copy of his younger self.

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A reboot of ReBoot blending live-action and computer animation, ReBoot: The Guardian Code, premiered in 2018 on YTV and Netflix in foreign countries. It features four high schoolers who physically enter cyberspace as "next-generation Guardians" to combat Megabyte and the human hacker who now controls him. The concept was not well received.[31]

Reboot builds upon Normalize, providing many HTML elements with somewhat opinionated styles using only element selectors. Additional styling is done only with classes. For example, we reboot some styles for a simpler baseline and later provide .table, .table-bordered, and more.

Hi. Just seeking anyone advise here. I have 2x unit Citrix Delivery Controller (DDC) and plan to do manually reboot of both DDC (not a schedule reboot) only for the activity without involve other citrix component

Just reboot them one at a time. A reboot usually only takes a couple of minutes, so I doubt anyone will even notice. VDAs connected to that one will initially go unregistered, but that won't affect anyone logged into them already. And once they go unregistered, they will immediately start trying to register to the other one.

Also the Delivery Controllers don't really need to be rebooted often. I will usually just setup 1 to do Window Updates on a Saturday, and the other on a Sunday to guarantee 1 is always up for users to access.

I tried to reboot the machines from Citrix Studio, trough VMware Vcenter and in the VM itself but all changes on the XenApp server are retained after the reboot. Also tried a reboot schedule on the Delivery Group and fully shutdown the XenApp servers but still no luck.

We have just recently changed our ArcGIS Server reboot schedule. We have 4 servers and we previously rebooted daily but we have increased the interval to twice per week. Each night at 1 am 1 or 2 of the servers are rebooted and there is a 3 or 4 day gap before a server is rebotted again. Reboots occur on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, and Fri. So far we have not noticed anything detrimental but we may still tweak this schedule.

The primary reason for reducing the reboot schedule was because we sometimes found problems with communication between our web adaptors and the ArcGIS Servers following an ArcGIS Server reboot. Hopefully, fewer reboots will mean fewer web adaptor issues.

It seems like our Meraki APs have a need to be randomly rebooted about once a quarter in our environment. No apparent issues on the dashboard, and they look like they are functioning properly, clients can connect, but they are just stuck, providing no network activity for clients. Send a reboot command, and voila, they start working again, connectivity restored. Doesn't appear to be model specific, I've seen it on MR33, MR36, MR42, and MR46E, all up to date on firmware. One or two cases, could just be a hiccup, but I'm seeing it more often than I would attribute to a random hiccup. Has anyone else experienced symptoms like this? And not that this is a permanent fix, but can you script a way to automatically reboot the APs on a schedule? Thanks

If your APs are connected via Meraki switches, there's no need to use scripting to reboot / switch off APs - use MS Port Schedules. While you're switching them off, why not leave them off (overnight?) to save some energy and CO2s

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but every once in a while, I will have an ePMP 1000 STA which is connecting to the AP, passing traffic normally, is accessible via http and SSH, but cannot be rebooted via the web GUI or SSH - the behavior is that hitting the reboot button in the GUI generates the normal dialog box warning that this action will affect connectivity, and it then appears to be rebooting, but the page comes back really quickly and the uptime shows that it didn't reboot. Using the "reboot" command in SSH returns a "Timeout: No Response from localhost" response, but you can still use other commands, like "show config" without errors.

I was awoken in the middle of the night the other night by my monitoring system - I have it set up to periodically poll our APs using SNMP for Ethernet port speed and GPS Sync, and both were reporting a problem for a certain ePMP2000 AP - I checked, and the SNMP daemon had crashed, but the actual values were fine, and my subs were not having any issues. But, when I tried to reboot the AP to reset the SNMP daemon, it acted in the way described above. I then attempted to use cnMaestro to reboot the AP, but it did not reboot. I re-tried the action several times, but no luck. Since this AP does not have an external power control (like a CMM, CTM, or SyncInjector/SiteMonitor), I feared I would have to drive to the AP to physically unplug it, but I tried again this morning, and even though the GUI and SSH attempts were still unsuccessful, the cnMaestro command did work this time.

I want to force the device to reboot at the end of the workshift. We now have it set up to start requesting the user to reboot at 12:00 and force the user to reboot in the 480 minutes reboot window (some users work long shift and we don't want it to reboot during that).

It might be users postponing as long as possible and then put the device into sleep mode. However, I tested this on my own device and it seems to reboot during sleep mode. Can anyone confirm that? Does the device need network connection for that?

This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansibleinstallations. In most cases, you can use the shortmodule namereboot even without specifying the collections keyword.However, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) ansible.builtin.reboot for easy linking to themodule documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may havethe same module name.

I have had a couple of multi-hour power outages which drained my UPS and caused everything in the house to reboot when power came back on. My RBR50 restarted in the typical 2-3 minutes and every device in the house reconnected (including one Echo Dot.)

My power was off for 5 hours. But each time I have done a firmware update and rebooted the router (and sats) my Echo's would not work. I would have to unplug and then plug them back in and then they are fine. Now it seems the same is happening to my wifi lights made by Black and Decker. I have 3 sets of those and none worked until I unplugged and plugged them in again. 2 of my 3 Echo's did not work. Classic Gen 1 and Echo Show 5 inch did not work. The Echo Show 8 inch did work after the power outage (this is my newest and I think the first time it has had to reconnect after the Router was off).

I was wondering if there was a way to determine the last reboot time of a client. We are battling a virus and need to make sure users are rebooting. I know we can use BF to reboot them, but we are leaving it up to local site support to press the issue. We have clients all around the world, so if this is possible, time zones would come into play when reporting the time.

How it is with your NBU appliances?? Proir to this release reboot did last ca 15m now it is pain in the back as I have to account for longer down time... which is not really welcome in data center, where these appliances are needed... e24fc04721

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