Adapting to Change: Reliable
Learning Across Domains

ECML-PKDD 2023 Workshop

Workshop Program

The plan of the workshop is to have a combination of invited talks from leading researchers, that could address the topic of the workshop from different perspectives, together with a call for papers to be presented within a poster session, in order to create an interactive environment for the attendees. In our experience, this is the most effective format for discussing new ideas with participants interested in the papers and making meaningful and lasting connections. Invited speakers will also be encouraged to take part in the poster session and provide their valuable feedback to authors. We also plan to dedicate time slots to questions after each invited talk to foster interaction between the speakers and the attendees.

Important Information:

Detailed Schedule:

(25min Talks + 5min Q&A)

Accepted Papers

The following accepted papers will be presented during the poster session: