
All of my publications are available on the arXiv and on my Google Scholar page

Disorder-free localization. Adam Smith. Springer Thesis

[23] Numerical simulation of non-abelian anyons. Nico Kirchner, Adam Smith, Frank Pollmann. [arXiv:2206.14730]

[22] Data compression for quantum machine learning. Rohit Dilip, Yu-Jie Liu, Adam Smith, Frank Pollmann. [arXiv:2204.11170]

[21] Finite-depth scaling of infinite quantum circuits for quantum critical points. Bernhard Jobst, Adam Smith, Frank Pollmann. Phys. Rev. Research 4 033118 (2022) [arXiv:2203.11975]

[20] Methods for simulating string-net states and anyons on a digital quantum computer. Yu-Jie Liu, Kirill Shtengel, Adam Smith, Frank Pollmann. [arXiv:2110.02020]

[19] Identifying Correlation Clusters in Many-Body Localized Systems. Kévin Hémery, Frank Pollmann, Adam Smith. Phys. Rev. B 105, 064202 (2022) [arXiv:2108.03251]

[18] Skeleton of Matrix-Product-State-Solvable Models Connecting Topological Phases of Matter. Nick G. Jones, Julian Bibo, Bernhard Jobst, Frank Pollmann, Adam Smith, Ruben Verresen. Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033265 (2021). [arXiv:2105.12143]

[17] Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor. K. J. Satzinger, Y. Liu, A. Smith, C. Knapp, et al. Science, 374, 6572, (1242-1247), (2021). [arXiv:2104.01180]

[16] Orthogonal Quantum Many-body Scars. Hongzheng Zhao, Adam Smith, Florian Mintert, Johannes Knolle. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 150601 (2021). [arXiv:2102.07672]

[15] Butterfly Effect and Spatial Structure of Information Spreading in a Chaotic Cellular Automaton. Shuwei Liu, J. Willsher, T. Bilitewski, Jinjie Li, A. Smith, K. Christensen, R. Moessner, J. Knolle. Phys. Rev. B 103, 094109 (2021). [arXiv:2101.01313]

[14] Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit. Daniel Malz, Adam Smith. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 163602 (2021). [arXiv:2012.01459]

[13] Real- and imaginary-time evolution with compressed quantum circuits. Sheng-Hsuan Lin, Rohit Dilip, Andrew G. Green, Adam Smith, Frank Pollmann. PRX Quantum 2, 010342 (2021). [arXiv:2008.10322]

[12] Intrinsic Sign Problems in Topological Quantum Field Theories. Adam Smith, Omri Golan, Zohar Ringel. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033515 (2020) [arXiv:2005.05343]

[11] Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter. Omri Golan, Adam Smith, Zohar Ringel. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043032 (2020) [arXiv:2005.05566]

[10] Disorder-free localization in a simple U(1) lattice gauge theory. Irene Papaefstathiou, Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle. Phys. Rev. B 102, 165132 (2020). [arXiv:2003.12497]

[9] Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer. Adam Smith, Bernhard Jobst, Andrew G. Green, Frank Pollmann. Phys. Rev. Research 4, L022020 (2022) [arXiv:1910.05351]

[8] Simulating quantum many-body dynamics on a current digital quantum computer. Adam Smith, M. S. Kim, Frank Pollmann, Johannes Knolle. npj Quantum Information, 5, 106 (2019) [arXiv:1906.06343]

[7] Logarithmic spreading of out-of-time-ordered correlators without many-body localization. Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle, Roderich Moessner, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 086602 (2019). [arXiv:1812.07981]

[6] Dynamics of a lattice gauge theory with fermionic matter — minimal quantum simulator with time-dependent impurities in ultracold gases. Adam Smith, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin, Roderich Moessner, Johannes Knolle. Quantum Sci. Technol. 3, 044003 (2018). [arXiv:1803.06575]

[5] Dynamical localization in Z2 lattice gauge theories. Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle, Roderich Moessner, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin. Phys. Rev. B 97, 245137 (2018) [arXiv:1803.06574]

[4] Absence of Ergodicity without Quenched Disorder: From Quantum Disentangled Liquids to Many-Body Localization. Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle, Roderich Moessner, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 176601 (2017). [arXiv:1705.09143]

[3] Disorder-Free Localization. Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin, Roderich Moessner. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 266601 (2017). [arXiv:1701.04748]

[2] Majorana spectroscopy of three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquids. Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin, John T. Chalker, Roderich Moessner. Phys. Rev. B 93, 235146 (2016). [arXiv:1604.05199]

[1] Neutron scattering signatures of the 3D hyperhoneycomb Kitaev quantum spin liquid. Adam Smith, Johannes Knolle, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin, John T. Chalker, Roderich Moessner. Phys. Rev. B 92, 180408 (2015). [arXiv:1508.05324]