Publications and preprints

  1. A. Kanigowski, W. Kryszewski, Perron-Frobenius and Krein-Rutman theorems for tangentially positive operators, Cent. Eur. J. Math., 10(6) (2012), 2240- 2263.

  2. A. Kanigowski, Ratner’s property for special flows over irrational rotations under functions of bounded variation, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 35 (2015), 915-934.

  3. A. Kanigowski, Ratner’s property for special flows over irrational rotations under functions of bounded variation II, Coll. Math., 136 (2014), 125-147.

  4. B. Fayad, A. Kanigowski, Rigidity times for weakly mixing dynamical system which are not rigidity times for any irrational rotation, Ergodic Theory Dy- nam. Systems, 35 (2015), 2529-2534.

  5. A. Kanigowski, J. Kułaga-Przymus, Ratner’s property and mild mixing for smooth flows on surfaces, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 36 (2016) 1-25.

  1. B. Fayad, A. Kanigowski, Multiple mixing for a class of conservative surface flows, Invent. Math., 203 (2) (2016), 555-614.

  2. A. Kanigowski, M. Lemańczyk, Flows with Ratner’s property have discrete essential centralizer, Studia Math., 237 (2017), 185-194.

  3. A. Kanigowski, J. Kułaga-Przymus, C. Ulcigrai, Multiple mixing and parabolic divergence in smooth area-preserving flows on higher genus surfaces, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 21 (2019) 3797–3855.

  4. A. Kanigowski, F. Rodriguez-Hertz, K. Vinhage, Smooth K non-Bernoulli automorphisms in dimension 4, J. Mod. Dyn., 13 (2018), 221-250.

  5. A. Kanigowski, Slow entropy for smooth flows on surfaces, Israel J. Math., 226 (2018), 535-577.

  6. A. Kanigowski, A. Solomko, On rank of von Neumann special flows, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 38 (6) (2018), 2245-2256.

  7. A. Kanigowski, A. Solomko, Isomorphism problem for von Neumann flows, Israel J. Math., 226 (2) (2018), 685-702.

  8. A. Kanigowski, D. Wei, Product of two Kochergin flows with different exponents is not standard, Studia Math., 244 (2019), 265-283.

  9. A. Kanigowski, K. Vinhage, D. Wei, Slow entropy of some parabolic flows, Comm. Math. Phys., 370 no. 2 (2019), 449-474.

  10. G. Forni, A. Kanigowski, Time changes of Heisenberg nilflows, Asterisque, 416 (2020), 253-299.

  11. G. Forni, A. Kanigowski, Multiple mixing and disjointness for time-changes of bounded type Heisenberg nilflows, J. Ec. Polytech. Math., 7 (2020), 63-91.

  12. C. Dong, A. Kanigowski, Rigidity of a class of smooth singular flows on two-torus, J. Mod. Dyn., 16 (2020), 37-57.

  13. A. Kanigowski, M. Lemańczyk, C. Ulcigrai, On disjointness properties of some parabolic flows, Invent. Math. 221 (2020) 1-111.

  14. A. Kanigowski, T. de la Rue, Product of two staircase rank one transform- ations that is not loosely Bernoulli, accepted in J. d’Analyse Math., (2019), arXiv:1812.08027.

  15. A. Kanigowski, D. Ravotti, Polynomial 3-mixing for smooth time-changes of horocycle flows, accepted in Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems, arXiv:1909.08799v2.

  1. A. Kanigowski, M. Lemańczyk, Spectral theory of dynamical systems, accepted in Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science (2020).

  2. A. Kanigowski, K. Vinhage, D. Wei, Kakutani equivalence of unipotent flows, accepted in Duke Math. J., arXiv:1805.01501.

  3. C. Dong, A. Kanigowski, D. Wei, Rigidity of joinings for some measure preserving systems, accepted in Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, arXiv:1812.05483.

  4. P. Berk, A. Kanigowski, Spectral disjointness of rescalings of some surface flows, accepted in J. London Math. Soc., arXiv:1901.04724.

  5. J. Chaika, K. Fraczek, A. Kanigowski, C. Ulcigrai, Singularity of the spectrum for smooth area-preserving flows in genus two and translation surfaces well approximated by cylinders, accepted in Comm. in Math. Physics, arXiv:1912.10250.

  6. B. Fayad, G. Forni, A. Kanigowski, Countable Lebesgue spectrum for area preserving flows on the two torus, submitted, accepted in Journal of the AMS, arXiv:1609.03757.


  1. A. Kanigowski, M. Lemańczyk, M. Radziwiłł, Rigidity in dynamics and Moebius disjointness, submitted, arXiv:1905.13256.

  2. A. Kanigowski, M. Lemańczyk, M. Radziwiłł, Prime number theorem for analytic skew-products, submitted, arXiv:2004.01125.

  3. A. Kanigowski, Prime orbits for some smooth flows on the torus, submitted, arXiv:2005.09403.

  4. K. Fra ̧czek, A. Kanigowski, M. Lemańczyk, Prime number theorem for Toeplitz systems, submitted, arXiv:2004.10418.

  5. A. Kanigowski, Bernoulli property for homogeneous systems, submitted, arXiv:1812.03209.

  6. C. Dong, A. Kanigowski, Bernoulli property for certain skew products over hyperbolic systems, submitted, arXiv:1912.08132.

  7. D. Dolgopyat, C. Dong, A. Kanigowski, P. Nandori, Mixing properties of generalized T,T^{-1} transformations, submitted, arXiv:2004.07298.

  8. D. Dolgopyat, C. Dong, A. Kanigowski, P. Nandori, Flexibility of statistical properties for smooth systems satisfying the central limit theorem, arXiv:2006.02191.

  9. A. Kanigowski, P. Kunde, K. Vinhage, D. Wei, Slow entropy for higher rank abelian unipotent actions, submitted, arXiv:2005.02212.

  10. A. Kanigowski, A. Katok, D. Wei, Survey on entropy-type invariants of sub-exponential growth in dynamical systems, submitted, arXiv:2004.04655.