
2010 Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Graduate Center of the City University of New York. 

2008 M.Phil., Comparative Literature, Graduate Center of the City University of New York. 

2005 M.A., Ancient History, University College London (London, UK).

2003 B.A., Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean History, Pomona College (Claremont, CA).

Employment History

2023-present Professor of English

2019-2023 Associate Professor of English, North Dakota State University.

2013-19 Assistant Professor of English, North Dakota State University.

2011-13 Post-Doctoral Fellow in Greek and Byzantine Studies, Uppsala University. 

2010-11 Lecturer in English, The American University in Kosovo (now RIT Kosovo). 

2009 Assistant Professor of English, University of New York in Tirana (Albania). 

2006-08 Graduate Teaching Fellow in English and Classics, Brooklyn College.


2023 Visiting Professor of History and Literature (summer), College Year in Athens (Athens, Greece).

2019-21 Humboldt Fellow, Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Münster, Germany).

2016-17 Fellow in Byzantine Studies, Harvard University (Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC).

2016 Visiting Professor (summer), Department of Classical Philology, University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland).

2013 Research Fellow, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Swedish Institute in Athens (Athens, Greece).



“Ancient Greek I” (independent study, NDSU 2022).

“Ancient Greek II” (independent study, NDSU 2022).

“Ancient Greek III” (Independent study, NDSU 2023).

“Introduction to Graduate Scholarship” (NDSU 2020, 2021)

“Critical Theory” (NDSU 2019).

“Medieval Literature” (NDSU 2015, 2017, 2021, 2023).

“Classical and Byzantine Greek Historiography” (Uppsala University 2013).


“Introduction to Literature” (NDSU 2022).

“Being Human” (NDSU 2022).

“World Literature Masterpieces” (NDSU 2013, 2014, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023).

“Literary Theory for the Fine Arts and Creative Writing” (independent study, NDSU 2019). 

“Literary Analysis: Post-Structural Theory and Method” (NDSU 2013, 2014, 2019, 2022). 

“British Literature: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance” (NDSU 2015, 2017, 2018). 

“Literature and the Environment: Ecocriticism from Antiquity to Today” (NDSU 2015, 2018). 

“Medieval Literature” (NDSU 2015, 2017, 2021, 2023).

“The Literature of the Mediterranean: Ancient and Modern” (University of Silesia 2016). 

“Greek and Latin in European Literature” (University of Silesia 2016).

“International Modernism and the Avant-Garde” (NDSU 2016).

“‘Painting is Silent Poetry and Poetry is Painting that Speaks’: Visual and Literary Depictions of the Trojan War” (Uppsala University 2012).

“Nonnos’ Dionysiaca” (Uppsala University 2012).

“Albanian Lyric Poetry: 1750 to the Present” (The American University in Kosovo 2011). 

“Arts of Expression: Theory and Method for Advanced Composition” (AUK 2010-11). 

“Advanced Research Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences” (University of New York in Tirana 2009).

“Literature of the Renaissance” (Brooklyn College 2009). 

“Medieval Romance East and West” (Brooklyn College 2006-09). 

“Classical Cultures” (Brooklyn College 2007, 2008).

“Arthurian Romance” (Brooklyn College 2006).

“Introduction to English Composition” (Brooklyn College 2006-09).


“Making Love and War in the Medieval Mediterranean,” College Year in Athens (Greece), summer 2023.

“The Meaning of Greece: Myth to Modernity” (NDSU study abroad to Greece), summer 2019.