since a few days, the Translator tool in Word stopped working, when selecting the translate option of a part of text, the Translator window opens in Word, but does not render the language panes I used to see (source and target language), instead the Translator hangs ... busy loading.. nothing.

@Peter_Geelen by doing further search i found this solution: (last entry about changing the DNS settings for IPV4:


I did it and it actually worked without any issues and without the VPN. Still do not understand why but as long as it works as I use the translator frequently.

Would love to know the technical reasons behind this.

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A July working paper out of the National Bureau of Economic Research reported substantial learning gains among participants in 96 programs lasting 10 weeks to a year, with mostly low, often 1-to-1, student-tutor ratios.

I use my laptop to work on a number of Microsoft Word documents located on my home desktop. Lately, every so often and without my doing anything unusual, typing characters into the Word document suddenly makes a random Word or Microsoft pop-up window pop up and I cannot type any characters. Clicking anything will make the pop-up window go away, but it comes right back the moment I type a character. This ONLY happens when I'm using Word on the home desktop through LogMeIn on my laptop. It does not happen on any other home desktop programs, and it never happens when I'm at home typing in Word directly to the desktop. It's rarely the same pop-up window that pops up and stops my typing. Sometimes it's the Windows Explorer window, sometimes it's a menu window for Word, sometimes something else. Another variation is that sometimes my typing will work fine unless I type a CERTAIN character. (Yesterday, I got a pop-up window every time I typed the letter L.) As this problem never happens when I'm working on the desktop directly, but only when accessing it through LogMeIn, it seems clear it is a LogMeIn issue. Is there a solution?

Suddenly, sometime in the past week or so, when I tried to use Word 2016 in an LMI session to a rather new Dell laptop, the characters on the screen change to black "highlight" when I attempt to edit any words the document, then Word locks up cold.

* I did an online repair of Office (it was initially Home and Business 2016). It totally corrupted my install of Office and then automatically uninstalled It. I have been working with Microsoft Office for decades and have never seen this!

When I'm using word-wrap:break-word with Browser Mode: IE9 Compatibility View and Document Mode: IE7 standards its working perfectly fine. However when I change the Document Mode: IE9 standards, its not working. I've also tried using -ms-word-wrap:break-word however its giving me the same result.

Me and two colleagues are simultaneously working in a word-file. We have our own dedicated sections and are avoiding conflicting updates, properly announcing before we make any broader changes, like moving a picture or whatever.

Safe mode uses a new user profile. You need to add some words to test; type dt and press F3, it should add a number of 8 or more letter words. Then start typing warehouse, it should offer to auto complete after three letters

I am attempting to use porcupine for the wake word and the default/built in wake words that come with porcupine work fine. But I wanted to use a custom one. So I went to the picovoice site and had a custom one created for my system (linux). Testing it in the browser on the picovoice site worked fine. But once I moved the ppn file to my rhasspy server, it didnt work.

I created the porcupine folder in my rhasspy profile since it did not already exist. I copied the ppn file into it and refreshed the list of available keywords. My new keyword showed up so I selected that one and saved my settings. I then tested it by trying to wake up my speaker with that word and it didnt work. I tried switching the keyword to one of the builtin ones, blue berry, bumblebee, porcupine, computer. they all worked. But my custom one did not.

If you are part-way through working on a document when due to circumstances outside your control (such as the computer crashing or a network problem), you are unable to continue, there is a danger that the changes you have made will have been lost. This can be very frustrating and lead to a lot of extra work.

If the computer you are using crashes while you are working on a document, you will probably have lost some information, but you should be able to recover the last saved autoversion. In this example, that means that at most you will have lost 10 minutes worth of work.

Automatic versions of files do not end with ".docx" or ".doc" like normal Word documents - they end with ".asd" which stands for "auto-saved document". The file name will be the same as the name of the file you were working on but with "AutoRecovery save of" at the start. So if the file you were working on was called "My New Word File.docx", then the last auto-saved version would be called "AutoRecovery of My New Word File.asd". You can open it simply by double-clicking on it - the file will open in Word as usual and you can then use "Save As" to save it to the right location.

Previous research has shown that holding a color word in working memory can produce interference effects in an intervening color-identification task, which mimics the classic color-word Stroop effect. Although this finding has previously been considered to suggest that the content of working memory can have behavioral consequences similar to those of externally perceived stimuli, it has remained unclear whether active internal maintenance of a color word indeed makes a critical contribution to the working memory Stroop effect. In the present study, we addressed this matter by asking participants to perform a color-identification task following display of either a congruent or an incongruent color word. By controlling for encoding strategy and/or maintenance demand across Experiments 1-4, we consistently showed that the magnitude of the congruency effect in color-identification performance was markedly larger when the recently presented color word was actively retained in working memory, as compared to when the color word was perceptually identified without working memory processing, when the color word had once been remembered but was no longer being actively maintained in working memory, or when the color word was retro-cued to be irrelevant to the working memory task. The findings therefore demonstrate a critical role for active internal maintenance of a color word in producing the working memory Stroop effect. In addition, Experiment 5 further showed that the working memory Stroop effect was sustained over time during the retention interval. Moreover, we found that the intervening color-identification task conversely influenced working memory maintenance, leading to poorer memory performance on incongruent than on congruent trials. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the linkage between working memory and attention.

'Lookup Word Under Cursor' has not been working for the last 1-2 months. The action opens Application Expose instead. Have tried assigning the action to '4 Finger Tap,' '3 Finger Tap,' '3 Finger Tap + Shift,' all with the same effect.

Have in mind that when you knit an Rmd document the code gets executed in a clean environment other than the one you are currently working on so you have to include the necessary code to load any external data you are working with.

I am trying to edit text in Microstaiton V8, on a XP format. The text editor lets me use it with the dialog box, but when i try to edit text with the word processor, it looks up. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this issue?

We do have an issue at the moment with Microsoft Word Online not working with the Dictation feature. If you look at the below image it shows the error. When you click on the dictation tool it comes up with "We failed to connect to the Microsoft Speech Service. Please try again."

Yep, I had at one point been able to get my paid-for version Acrobat to create TOC links but it's no longer working. I went back to Office Libre (free!) where you can open the Word doc without having to convert it to odt and Export to PDF--faster and links work.

I have uninstalled / reinstalled Acrobat Reader twice, downloaded latest MS word and Adobe update but no change. To open pdf file now I get an Adobe pop up requesting permission to make change to my PC.

The wording of the last two is subtle, but they use 2 different coding utilities by different companies. So be careful and look for the word "Adobe," which means it's Adobe's utility and not Microsoft's.

I just found a workaround. If you save as PDF in Word, they FORCE you to allow them to process it on line. If your document is sensitive, you may not want to do that! So I saved as HTML, and then opened the HTML document in Safari on my Mac and then in the Print dialog box, I chose Save to PDF and made a nice PDF with working links. I really hate all the problems that I keep running into in Word 2016. After all this time, things like this shouldn't be happening!

Bless you!! I sent a press release yesterday and was frustrated to learn that my hyperlinks (which I checked beforehand) were not working. This was for a very important client too. I researched it today and found several postings, several of which had complicated solutions or ones that were not options on my computer. I tried yours and success! I can not thank you enough. This will be invaluable in the future!

I have the July 2021 version and I'm trying to build my matrix table. However, the word wrap function seems to be not working even when the settings are turned on. I've turned on word wrap for rows, columns, and values.

@selimovd This isn't working for me. The headers are wrapping, but, when I add a couple more columns, the wrapping stops working. If I remove those specific columns, the text wrapping works again. If I decrease the column size, the headers simply cut off, they don't wrap. The headers refuse to get any longer. This is only a problem in a matrix. When I switch the visual to a table, the wrapping works. Very frustrating. 006ab0faaa

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