Seminar Series

Link to the seminar series website: 

Research on ad hoc teamwork has been around for at least 20 years, but it was first introduced as a formal challenge by Stone et al. in 2010. The challenge discussed in that paper is: 

    To create an autonomous agent that is able to efficiently and robustly collaborate with previously unknown teammates on tasks to which they are all individually capable of contributing as team members.

Since 2010, hundreds of papers that explicitly state ``ad hoc team'' or ``ad hoc teamwork'' have been published - 632 according to Google Scholar during the writing of this call - and much more address tightly connected challenges such as ``zero-shot'' or ``cold start'' teamwork. Moreover, much of the prevalent work on personalizing interactions with new human teammates can be viewed as ad-hoc teamwork. 

As a means to disseminate previous and ongoing research of members of the research community, we are organizing a monthly seminar series on ad hoc teamwork starting this Fall. Our goal in organizing this seminar series is to raise awareness of different researchers' works, which would hopefully foster new collaboration between AHT researchers. Ultimately, we are hopeful that this will lead towards further progress in the field. 

Each seminar session takes place at 3 p.m. UK time on the second Monday of each month. Note that while the exact date of each meeting is tentative and could be moved around to accommodate the presenters' schedules, the time is more strict as we have participants from East Asia to Pacific America. Following the different locations of the participants, meetings will be held online for the foreseeable future. To get information on presenters and the meeting link for upcoming meetings, please subscribe to the AHT mailing list. Let us know if you have any issues with joining any of our meetings.

We look forward to meeting you!

Upcoming Presenters

Presentation Date: Monday, 30th October 2023

Robert Loftin

University of Sheffield

Frans Oliehoek

Delft University of Technology

Organizing Committee

Ignacio Carlucho 

Heriot-Watt University,
United Kingdom 

Hasra Dodampegama 

University of Birmingham
United Kingdom 

Elliot Fosong 

University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom 

Arrasy Rahman 

University of Texas at Austin,
United States

Reuth Mirsky

Bar Ilan University,
Ramat Gan, Israel


Advisory Committee

Stefano Albrecht

University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom 

Peter Stone

University of Texas at Austin,

Mohan Sridharan

University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom