Aniruddha CHANDRA

Associate Professor

ECE Department, NIT Durgapur

mail: M. G. Avenue, Durgapur 713209, Burdwan, WB, India

phone: +91 9434788106, +91 343 275 5515 


click here to go the official webpage  

Short Bio

Aniruddha Chandra received BE, ME, and PhD degrees from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in 2003, 2005, and 2011 respectively. He joined the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India, in 2005. He is currently serving as an Associate Professor there. In 2011, he was a Visiting Lecturer at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. From 2014 to 2016, he worked as a Marie Curie fellow at Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.  Dr. Chandra has published more than 100 research papers in refereed journals and peer-reviewed conferences. He is a co-recipient of the best short paper award at IEEE VNC 2014, held in Paderborn, Germany, and delivered a keynote lecture at IEEE MNCApps 2012, held in Bangalore, India. He is currently the secretary of the IEEE P2982 Standard working group and IEEE ComSoc RCC SIG on Propagation Channels for 5G and Beyond. His primary area of research is physical layer issues in wireless communication. 


Standardization Activity

IEEE Standard 2982: Recommended Practice for Millimeter-Wave Channel Sounder Verification

This IEEE standard is spearheaded by NextG Channel Model Alliance, with an objective to streamline the verification process of channel sounding in the millimeter-wave and sub-THz band.

IEEE ComSoc RCC SIG: Propagation Channels for 5G and Beyond

This special interest group (SIG) from IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Radio Communication Technical Committee (RCC) is involved in technical activities related to propagation channel characterization and modeling.


mmW & UWB vehicular channel modelling

The overall objective is millimeter-wave and ultra-wide-band vehicular channel modelling, based on extensive measurements. The two specific areas are in-vehicle and time-varying channel characterization. The ranging accuracy with wideband channel sounding is also investigated.

FSO link performance with relays 

We are interested in cooperative free space optical transmission over atmospheric turbulent channels and analytical evaluation of performance metrics, such as BER and capacity.

Energy efficient co-operative communication

The primary purpose of our research is to analyze wireless networks, which employ wireless relays, from energy efficiency perspective, and devise techniques to make them greener, i.e. to improve their energy efficiency. Our special focus is on relay placement and cross-layer energy optimization.

Diversity and modulation for wireless fading channels 

The major goal is error performance analysis of modulation schemes in wireless fading channels when some sort of diversity combining is employed. We developed novel CDF expression for Hoyt fading. Also an M-ary FSK SER expression was named after us.

Co-operative spectrum sensing

In a cognitive radio network co-operation among nodes yield better spectrum sensing results. We analyse different hard / soft fusion techniques to combine contributions of the co-operating nodes. We have also shown that further improvement can be achieved when signal power raise factor of the energy detectors is optimized. 

The full-text of all published articles may be accessed from ResearchGate or Academia