Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine: A Natural Way to Heal

Our clinic provides acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine to help you improve your health and well-being. Our experienced and qualified TCM practitioner will assess your condition and prescribe the most suitable treatment for you. 

Acupuncture: A Natural Way to Heal Your Body and Mind

Acupuncture is an ancient technique that has been practiced in China for several thousand years. According to ancient Chinese medical theories, life force (called Qi and pronounced "chee") flows through the body via 14 invisible channels, known as meridians. This life force is responsible for regulating all physical and mental processes. Opposing forces within the body, called yin and yang, must balanced in order to maintain the proper flow of Qi. The meridians run deep within the body connecting tissues and organs, surfacing as acupuncture points on around 360 different places on the body. The points along such meridians—even on the hands or feet—are believed capable of affecting the associated internal organ. Stimulating these points with acupuncture can balance and restore the flow of Qi.

Before treatment, the acupuncturist will ask you about your medical history, symptoms, and goals. Then, she will examine your tongue, pulse, and other signs to determine your diagnosis and treatment plan. During the treatment, sterile hair-thin needles are inserted into acupuncture points along the meridians where energy imbalance has been diagnosed. A patient may feel a slight sensation of warmth, tingling, or pressure at the needle's entry site. This practice promotes the body's natural healing by restoring balance and re-establishing the flow of Qi. Treatments may also include the use of heat, a practice known as moxibustion, if the practitioner deems it necessary for the patient. The patient is left to relax in a softly-lit room for about thirty minutes, where they often fall asleep and re-awaken feeling relaxed, refreshed, and cleansed of stress. 

Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Natural Way to Treat Diseases and Improve Health

Another cornerstone of Chinese medicine is the use of natural herbs derived from plants to adjust excess or deficiency states, restore balance, and promote healing. Knowledge accumulated over thousands of years of study has resulted in a vast pool of herbal formulas, each targeted at treating a specific imbalance within the body. Some herbs can nourish and strengthen the organs, some can clear heat and toxins, some can regulate qi (vital energy) and blood, and some can calm the mind and spirit. 

Unlike many Western medications, herbal remedies are completely natural and have no drug side effects if prescribed by a knowledgeable and experienced herbalist. Ms. Chen has the first Chinese herbal powder pharmacy in the Boston area and has been offering herbal medicine alongside her acupuncture services since she began practicing TCM in 1988. 

In general, herbal medicine is needed more for internal conditions rather than for musculoskeletal issues. Ms. Chen will discuss the possibility of integrating herbal medicine into your treatment plan based on your needs. If Ms. Chen deems herbal medicine to be a suitable complement to acupuncture, she will prepare a prescription and give it to you after your acupuncture session. This medicine is usually in the form of a tea that is consumed twice a day, and patients will leave the office with a supply sufficient to last until their next appointment.