
David Dignath | Principal Investigator

David recieved his Diploma in Psychology from the University of Würzburg, before he obtained his PhD in Psychology working with Andreas Eder. He stayed in Würzburg for a one-year Post-Doc with Fritz Strack and then moved on to the University of Freiburg to work in the Cognition, Action, and Sustainability Lab with Andrea Kiesel. In Summer 2020 David joined the Department of Psychology at the Unversity of Tübingen.

For more information, see David Dignath's CV (in german).

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Marie Luise Schreiter | Post-Doc

Marie Luise completed her BSc in Psychology & Neuroscience and her MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Sussex, Brighton before moving on to complete a Phd at the University of Hospital Carl Gustav Carus of the TU Dresden, Germany. Her work focusses on understanding of basic interaction between cognitive and emotional neural processes and its implications for clinical psychology and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD and autism. In November 2020 she moved to the University of Tübingen to join David Dignath’s group as a post doc.

Google Scholar Profile

Moritz Schiltenwolf | PhD Student

In 2019-2020 Moritz was part of the working group Studierenden-auswahlverfahren Psychologie BaWü (STAV-Psych BW) developing a novel admission test and online self-assessment for students interested in Psychology. Since 2019 he is a PhD student working in the DFG Research Group „Binding and Retrieval of Action Control (BRAC)“. His main research focus is on the question whether states of cognitive control can be bound and recalled. Furthermore, Moritz is interested in the role of affect in processes of dynamic attention adaptation.