Call for Papers

🎉 Thank you all for your interest and input into this workshop by sharing your great work! We are excited to inform you that the papers presented in the workshop were selected and notified. Please see the Schedule/Agenda tab for more details. 

Are you interested in sharing your work/experiences on "actionable" analytics?

What to submit?

Please submit a short paper (2-4pp) related to any of the perspectives on actionability: (1) technical aspect (for technology designers and developers), (2) information presentation (for designers), (3) self-regulated learning (for learners), (4) classroom orchestration (for teachers) or additional ones you would like to share (open call). Please use the LAK companion proceedings template for the paper. 

At the workshop, we will invite accepted authors to present brief talks (10 minutes) about their research experiences related to any of the perspectives on actionability.

Where to submit?

Proposals should be submitted to Authors will receive a confirmation of submission. The deadline for proposals is December 16, 2023. 

After submission

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by the organizers and those submitting papers. Papers will be selected based on their relevance and contribution to different perspectives on actionability. Notification of paper acceptance will be provided no later than January 13, 2024.