Poster Sessions

Each participant is encouraged to present a poster. Two poster sessions, on Monday and Tuesday evenings, will be held in the Pavilion at the Village. Cash prizes, generously underwritten by the journals Chemical Reviews, JCTC, and JPC, will be awarded to the best posters.

If you wish to present a poster, please prepare and upload a brief abstract by July 5, 2022. Each abstract should include the title, authors, and your email address and no more than one page of text in 12 point Arial font. Do not include figures, tables, or pictures.

ACTC 2022 registrants will receive a link to a submission form to transmit abstracts. A Google account will be required to upload abstracts. Some institutions, including Stanford and Berkeley, use Google accounts already; participants from those institutions and others should be able to use their .edu addresses to upload materials, i.e., you are not required to use a gmail address, but you must use a Google account.

If you discover an error in your abstract, you may edit or replace text directly on the submission form.

A searchable Abstract Book of abstracts, poster session assignments, and Lightning Talks will be linked to this page for the duration of the conference.

Posters should be no larger than 40" x 30". Easels, poster boards, and pushpins will be provided. Poster stations will be numbered and assigned in advance.

Posters numbered 1-78 will be presented on Monday.

Posters numbered 79-156 will be presented on Tuesday.

Please look up your poster to see when you will be presenting!

Poster Book as Searchable Google Sheet

Poster Abstracts as Downloadable PDF