MAPP Curriculum

What Happens in MAPP? What Will I Be Doing?

MAPP is designed to help mid-career faculty thrive by developing meaningful goals, plans, and relationships.

The program's components arise from a review of the literature on mid-career faculty. (See "Why Mid-career Faculty?" on the home page.).

These components fall into three categories:

Core Workshops

These four sessions are essential for all MAPP participants, so make sure they fit into your calendars:

Finding Your Path (February 4, 3-5pm EST/2-4pm CST)

Navigating Your Path (March 4, 3-5pm EST/2-4pm CST)

Championing Your Path (April 1, 3-5pm EDT/2-4pm CDT)

Starting Your Path (May 20, 3-5pm EDT/2-4pm CDT)

Faculty Learning Communities

There will be three faculty learning communities (FLCs) that span the four months of the program:

  • Teaching

  • Research & Scholarship

  • Leadership & Service

Participants will select the one that aligns most closely with their goals.

Applied Labs

These hands-on sessions are focused on specific topics that align with the FLCs:

  • Cultivating Your Authentic Leadership Skills

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

  • Engaging in Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Work

  • and more, based on participant request.

Participants will take at least two, and may participate in any of the others as well.