Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL)

Smallholder farmer decision-making and technology adoption in southern Lao PDR: opportunities and constraints. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Reports

  1. Development of the Theory of Change (ToC) based Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plan Final Report: MEL plan for NUoL Project Charter "AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION VIA SOCIAL NETWORKS" .
  2. Development of the Theory of Change (ToC) based Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plan Final Report: Design of MEL plan for DTEAP Project Charter "ENHANCING EXTENSION EFFECTIVENESS IN CHAMPASAC PROVINCE " .
  3. Development of the Theory of Change (ToC) based Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plan Progress report: Design of MEL plan for NAFRI Charter Project: "Improving Commercial Dry Season Crop Productivity and Income Generating through an Establishing Farmer Connection to Market with Value Addition and Public Private Partnership Enhancement ".
NUOL FB Page MEL process and plan FINAL June 2019.pdf
DTEAP MEL process and plan FINAL June 2019.pdf
NAFRI MEL process and plan update June 2019-v2-21Jun2019.pdf