Common AC Problems and Solutions

AC units can develop various issues, with some being more common than others. If you notice any of the following problems, it’s time to seek affordable AC repair in Sherman Oaks:

1. Insufficient Cooling

If your AC isn’t cooling your space as it used to, there could be several causes. Low refrigerant levels, a clogged air filter, or a faulty thermostat may be to blame. An experienced AC technician can diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs to restore your unit's cooling efficiency.

2. Strange Noises

Unusual sounds coming from your AC, such as grinding, banging, or squealing, could indicate a mechanical problem. Ignoring these noises can lead to further damage and more expensive repairs. Seeking affordable AC repair in Sherman Oaks promptly will help address the issue and prevent any further damage to your unit.

3. Frequent Cycling

If your AC turns on and off frequently, it may be a sign of an underlying problem. This issue, known as short cycling, can lead to excessive wear and tear on your AC unit, resulting in higher energy bills. By contacting a professional for affordable AC repair in Sherman Oaks, you can identify and resolve the root cause of this problem.

A properly functioning AC unit consumes less energy
leading to cleaner and healthier air