You can get this model from a bunch of different eBay sellers, under various different brand names, but they're all the same. I've tested it out with MODE 0 - MODE 6, and it seems to consistently work well. It also works well with my BBC Model B The only time I've seen it fail is when playing Firetrack on the Electron, which does some tricky stuff with the video output to get more colours.

VGA is analogue but many monitors expect a line rate of 31 kHz. It's not impossible that your screen would be okay with 15.625Khz though, as that's the PAL standard, so you could at least have a try. The pinout of the Electron's monitor port is here and a passive cable would work if your screen is compatible. I guess you'd need something like this, this and this.

Acorn Electron Games Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

This can be adapted to RGB Scart with a few resistors to lower the signal levels and create the trigger voltages to tell the TV to use RGB scart mode. There is plenty of room in the shell of the scart plug for the resistors. You can find a schematic at

The first is that VGA normally uses seperate HSYNC and VSYNC signals, but the BBC micro/electron uses composite sync. There do exist sync separator chips like the LMH1981, which could in principle be used to split this up. I haven't tried them myself though.

Okay, this is a bit psycho, I know. But I plan to get every single Acorn Electron game in the Launchbox games database. As of writing this of July fifth, the year of our lord two-thousand and seventeen there is exactly 2600 different video game programs for the Acorn Electron. That includes: 1955 Games, 403 utilities or programs, 155 game demos, 283 educational games, and 27 music demos. This is known games and programs. There are most likely hundrends more that has been lost to the sands of time. This is why we at the GamesDB find it is so important to catelog every single video game that we can find, especially the mostly forgotten ones.

Here is what I imagine to some FAQ's

Q:"Why bother?"

A: Launchbox, in my opinion is the premier service for what could be the greatest way we can preserve the artwork of important pieces of history and technology. Video games are massively underappreciated for their value, not only culturally but how they communicate ideas delighting us and asking us to engage in someone elses creative expression.

Q:There are certain screenshots that I cannot transfer to launchboxDB? What in God's green gravy is going on?

A:The image must be converted to a jpeg, or png format you can do this easily by pasting it into a paint document and saving it. Repeat this ad infinitum.

Q:How many are there in the games database now?

A: As of writing this on July 8th 2017, there are  209 GAMES (MANY ARE PENDING AFTER TONIGHT Ive been since 6pm and it's 4 in the morning now)

Q: Can I see a list of games that you cateloged?


Q: Where is this (one game)?

A: I probably havent putted in yet. If not, it was most likely released on a compilation cassette and therefore I cataloged the compilation cassette and not the game on it. Im trying to get the Front box art first. If you see a missing item put it in immediately!

Okay, Im going to take a break from this Im going to get back to it tommorow. So far the gamesdb has 142 electron games! That means roughly 2,458 games to go.

Things as of note this evening: Got all known "Alligata Software" games.

There seems to be missing artwork for the game "Cops" by "Alpine Software", although game-play screens are available. If anyone by some miracle can find this please add the artwork I searched for alpine software and they seem to be defunct. I looked at old software magazines as well. I cant see jack squat.

Well anyway, thanks for the support you guys and if you where to help me it would be much appreciated.

It's been awhile since I emulated any Acorn games, believe it or not I am not that into the system. I am just doing this for games preservation. But when I was playing them, I was playing them on the Elkulator and it seemed fairly accurate and I never had a crash. MESS seems to be a last resort if you ask me. When MESS is compatible with something it is only compatible with fifty or so some odd games. And the Acorn Electron has a library of thousands.

So in short, try your hand on different emulators. But I personally disagree with your MESS assertion. I have not tried ElkJS though. 

Also, thanks for checking out my thread, we can always use helping hands here!

Works perfectly. However, this only works for tape games. SOme electron games are floppy disks however, which need a different command. I cannot get these to work. Upon resreaching, I found this: ""*mount 0\n\n\n\n\nch.""""run""""""\n"""""

Just tried that, but I get a "no directory" message. Does that mean there is no "!boot" in the disk? 

If I use electron64 instead of electron, the message reads "searching" instead of "no directory".

You should see the content of the disk after the *cat, since it will show the disk's directory.

There's plenty of ways to load disks, that one just worked with the three I tested them on. You had the -flop in the end, right? Since that would put Mame to mount the disk first, otherwise there's no catalog to load.

I tried with and without "-flop". I don't think I need that, because I have "flop1" in my commandline in retroarch. I didn't need "-cass" to load cassettes. But anyway, I tried both versions.

Which games have you tested? Maybe I should try your method on those first.

EDIT: I just realized that the "*cat" doesn't appear on screen at all. So I thought that maybe I needed to add an autoboot delay. So I added a delay of "2" and now *cat appears on ycreen, but I get a "disc error 50".

Joystick is a hit-and-miss with old home computers. You can try something like JoyToKey if you really (really) want. No luck with Archimedes. I use Arculator - - - but I have to manually launch single disks. You can try others too ( -items/3-emulators/305-acorn-archimedes). Do you use MESS? Does it work, automation apart? What's your folder structure?

Hey all. Trying to use ElectrEm for this... but when launched through LB it doens't load the game. The emulator comes up with a Basic prompt. Is there a setting or something in the emulator to get it to launch directly into the game?

For some reason I had "Don't use Quotes" checked. I think I was reading the other thread about Archimedes where that's recommend. Either way, thanks a bunch for the screenshot! Its working perfectly now.

Thanks for the tip. I actually found out that using the import wizard means you need to indicate which emulator you will be using for the games. I chose MAME, yet it seems the wizard looks for MAME games in the database rather than Acorn Electron ones. When I chose a different emulator, the wizard worked just fine.

I primarily collect Interactive Fiction titles (text parser adventures) 

 and so this guide may be biased towards that sort of software,

 but hey, yah boo sucks, i compiled it for my own amusement, not yours :)

I kept coming across too many BBC adventure titles that i just couldn't find for the elk, or i would always find the BBC version first and then the elk version would turn up eventually a long time later. Miffed with this, i decided to get hold of a sideways ram board, and finally after a long time of looking, i got a Jafa systems pcb. As I couldn't find any information on the net on this subject of playing BBC games on an elk (not all that surprising really is it?) i decided to throw up a quick page so that people searching in the future may benefit from my findings...

How to interperet this table: The software title column refers to the BBC ONLY version.

 That is after all why you're here right? Some of these titles DO have

 their own electron version available, but if you can't find it, or don't have it, 

 you want to know how useable the BBC version is on your elk right?

In case you were sleeping past the introduction, the following results have 

 been gleened from loading this TAPE software on an electron that has a 

 Jafa 64k ram board installed. YMMV but in all honesty these results 

 should apply equally to owners of the Slogger Master Ram board 


If you have information regarding BBC -> 64K Electron compatability and would like to add it here,

 then drop me a line! it would be good if you could folow the numbering system

 that i have sued above, this makes it a lot easier to describe the games

 in terms of functionality! thanks.

Requires MAME BIOS files,,, electron_plus3.zipUsing software list mode (cassette) is recommended.Tapes should auto-load, use the MAME menu to stop/play/rewind if needed.

RetroArch offers a Quick Menu accessed by pressing [HOTKEY] + which can be used to alter various things like RetroArch and core options, and controller mapping. Most RetroArch related settings can be altered from Batocera's EmulationStation.

Standardized features available to all libretro cores: electron.videomode, electron.videomode, electron.ratio, electron.shaderset, electron.smooth, electron.integerscale, electron.bezel, electron.bezel_stretch, electron.hud,, electron.bezel.tattoo_corner, electron.bezel.tattoo_file, electron.bezel.resize_tattoo, electron.ai_service_enabled, electron.ai_target_lang, electron.ai_service_url, electron.ai_service_pause, electron.runahead, electron.secondinstance, electron.video_frame_delay_auto, electron.vrr_runloop_enable, electron.video_threaded 152ee80cbc

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