Call for Papers

The Department of Indigenous Studies and the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics are happy to invite undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdocs, emerging more senior scholars to present their work at the Alberta Conference On Linguistics 2023! 

ACOL is an open conference that accepts submissions in all areas of linguistics. We especially encourage students to present their work. Abstracts reporting on work in progress or reporting on pilot studies are also welcomed. Talks will be scheduled for 15 min with an additional 5 min for discussion. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words (excluding references) and clearly indicate: 

An additional page may be used for graphs/figures if necessary. A PDF of your abstract should be sent to:

no later than 23:59 (MST) on 1 November 2023

Authors may submit at most one single authored abstract and one co-authored abstract. The conference will take place on the University of Lethbridge campus on November 25th, 2023. 

Participating in this conference is a great opportunity to network with various linguists from around Alberta and to learn more about current linguistic research.  


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:  or