Learner and

Learning Facilitator


"The last role Joellen speaks about is the learner. Coaches are constantly learning. There are always changes in working with students, so keeping up to date and learning every day, for Joellen, is the “be all and end all” of being a coach.” It’s always a discovery – we are always adding to what we know,” Joellen says, “we have to be willing to use every experience as an opportunity for learning more to improve where we go in the future.” (Knight, 2020)

Learning Facilitator

"When a coach is responsible for facilitating learning in both informal and formal situations, with individuals or teams of teachers, Joellen calls this the learning facilitator role. In this role, coaches build the capacity of others. This might be a responsibility that coaches do constantly, however, when they have activated this role there may be more structured learning experiences taking place, such as leading a professional learning community, or facilitating a grade-level meeting for teachers." (Knight, 2020)

Check out the AVANTI site! A great resource! Find quick instructional strategies to share with teachers as you facilitate professional learning or engage in job-embedded coaching. Explore the site for additional information and to create an account for full access to the catalog. There is a 7-day free trial. After the free 7 day trial, there is a subscription fee. Be sure to read about it! I've linked sample videos here for preview from the site.