ACN � A Profitable Business for Everyone

ACN is a company that provides telecommunications products and services to over 20 countries from various continents in the world. Some of the products and services it offers are internet, satellite TV, video and voice communications, and beauty product line. These services are both for personal and business use. Aside from the products and services of the company, ACN also offers an opportunity for everyone to have their very own home based business. Once you join ACN, you become an independent representative and you are now allowed to market and sell the company�s products and services.

ACN was founded by Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, Mike Cupisz and Tony Cupisz in 1993. After over 20 years, the company is still there and continues to soar high in the business world. It is one of the few companies that operate in different continents in the world, specifically in Asia, North America, and Europe. Everybody is welcome to join and become distributor or independent business owner (IBO). To become a distributor, a flat fee of $499 is needed. Consider this fee as your capital. In any multilevel marketing business, there will be a corresponding fee to join the business.

Who is your target market and how will you gain profit?

When starting in the ACN business, your primary or initial target is your friends and family members. Marketing the products and services of ACN is not hard at all because they are the basic needs of modern household. Every household needs an internet connection to get connected to the world. A house will not be complete without a satellite TV. So, you can just imagine how big your potential market is. As you go along with this business, you will be able to learn how to market the business to random people. You might think that you will experience difficulty convincing others to switch to ACN products because they already have internet providers and telecommunications products at hand. Well, what sets ACN�s products and services apart from the rest is its high quality services being offered at a competitive price.

How will you be able to make money in the ACN business? You will receive a percentage of your customer�s starting services with the company. Apart from that, you will also receive a percentage of the customer�s continued service usage with the company. Those coming in the company in the form of home based business level can also help you make money. You will also receive a small percentage of their income. In other words, you will be able to enjoy a residual income, although it will take a few months for you to see the result.

A lot of people think that network marketing business is a scam. ACN is a highly reputable name and there is no way for it to be a scam. With the kind of business ACN is offering, you get to earn a considerable amount of profit regardless if your business is operating online or offline. The key to success in ACN business is learning the ins and outs of it. There are a lot of avenues that will help you learn the trick and tips of network marketing. For you to grow your business and reach as many prospects possible, you need to take advantage of the power of the internet. A lot of marketers today are using internet marketing to growing their business and the same principle applies in ACN.