Alternative Christmas Market & Shop

at John Wesley United Methodist Church

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Alternative Christmas Market at John Wesley United Methodist Church has been cancelled. We encourage you to donate to the agencies directly. You can find them in "Price Lists" at the top. There is a link that will take you to their website. Make your checks out to the agency.

Don't forget about these agencies who only sold goods in the shop: FSU/TCC Wesley Foundation, FAMU Wesley Foundation, Project Have Hope, Teen Challenge of Florida, Susanna Wesley and Joy Circles of John Wesley UMC

If you would like to donate to Methodist Children's Home, Church World Service, UMCOR, John Wesley Missions, or Wesley Foundation through John Wesley United Methodist Church, use the following link:

Be safe, be kind until we can gather in 2021.

Pat Davis and Susan Capelouto

With over 30 local, national, and international agencies participating, you are sure to find something for everyone on your list!

Listen to the WFSU Perspectives Program about the Markets

Ministries that serve the homeless, the hungry, the imprisoned, the poor, and those in need will set up booths in John Wesley's Fellowship Hall interpreting their ministries for the larger community. The services they provide to our neighbors in need will be represented on a price list to help shoppers match a gift with that someone special on their Christmas list. For example:

*Uncle John is the go-to guy in the family when anyone needs a helping hand.

--Why not honor him with a gift of a week's home maintenance through Lutheran Social Services or lumber for a raised bed through Damayan's Garden Project?

*Cousin Linda is a teacher at a rural elementary school working with low income students.

--You can honor her with a gift of a school supplies through Guardian Ad Litem II of Tallahassee or training for a reading tutor through the Literacy Volunteers of Leon County.

*Brother Marcus is a nurse at the local hospital working in the neuro special care unit.

--Honor him with a gift of five flu vaccines through the Neighborhood Medical Center or a mosquito net to prevent malaria through United Methodist Committee on Relief.

Gifts may be chosen from any of the agencies participating and recorded on a shopping list. Beautiful, fair-traded handicrafts and tangible gifts supporting the agencies in the market are also available for purchase in our card and craft shop and the proceeds contribute to supporting the agencies' missions. When you're finished shopping, you write one check and then proceed to the calligraphy station to have your gift cards hand-lettered, ready for you to put under your tree or mail to the recipient. It couldn't be easier or more in keeping with the season! It all happens in the John Wesley United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 1689 Old St. Augustine Rd., Tallahassee, FL.

The Alternative Christmas Market @ John Wesley United Methodist Church

---"Gifts to honor those who have enough by sharing with those in need."