An online ACM CHI 2021 Workshop on

Design and Creation of Inclusive User Interactions Through Immersive Media

May 8th 2021, 13:00-17:00 JST


Immersive media is becoming increasingly common in day-to-day scenarios: from extended reality systems to multimodal interfaces. Such ubiquity opens an opportunity for building more inclusive environments for users with disabilities (either permanent, temporary, or situational) by introducing immersive and multimodal elements into existing applications, or designing and creating immersive applications with inclusivity in mind.

This ACM CHI 2021 Online Workshop on Design and Creation of Inclusive User Interactions Through Immersive Media invites its participants to open a discussion on intersections between the fields of immersive media, accessibility, and human-computer interaction, outline the key current and future problems of immersive inclusive design, define a set of methodologies for design and evaluation of immersive systems from inclusivity, and create a bilateral value exchange dialogue between researchers and practitioners in academia and industry.

Update: Position papers are now online!


  • 13:00-13:15 Workshop opening and introduction

  • 13:15-14:00 Keynote talks: Professors Suranga Nanayakkara, Yoichi Ochiai, and Kai Kunze

  • 14:00-14:10 Short break

  • 14:10-15:00 Lightning talks for all accepted papers (3 minutes per presentation)

  • 15:00-15:10 Short break

  • 15:10-16:00 Ideation session (in breakout rooms)

  • 16:00-16:10 Short break

  • 16:10-17:00 Ideation session presentations, workshop closing

Submission guidelines

We welcome all interested applicants, including students and professionals with experiences in such fields as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), social computing, UI/UX design and research, accessibility, immersive media, Augmented, Virtual, and Extended Reality (AR / VR / XR), Artificial Intelligence, and Augmented Human. We intend this workshop to be engaging and informative to all participants regardless of level of familiarity with the workshop topic.

Please note that due to ACM CHI 2021 virtual format, this workshop will be also conducted online. To participate in the workshop, we ask applicants to submit their works on the topics that include, but are not limited to:

  • Immersive media and inclusive design

  • Accessibility

  • Assistive augmentation

  • Augmented, Virtual, Mixed, and Extended Reality (AR / VR / MR / XR)

  • Human-Computer Interaction

  • Human-Computer Integration (HInt)

  • Augmented Human

  • HCI and Artificial Intelligence

We are accepting submissions in the following formats:

  • 2-4 page position papers written in the new single-column ACM Master Article Template (please refer to CHI 2021 Publication Formats guide), including references

  • Free-format A3 posters with appropriate images and text

  • Video presentations or video demos with subtitles

  • Free-format sketches, photos, drawings, or animations

Submissions deadline is March 5th (extended) 2021 Anywhere On Earth (AoE), acceptance notifications will be sent out on March 9th 2021. Workshop will happen on May 8th 2021. At least one of the accepted authors is expected to attend both workshop and the conference.

Easychair submission page:

Program Committee

  • Bektur Ryskeldiev, University of Tsukuba; Mercari R4D

  • Yoichi Ochiai, University of Tsukuba

  • Koki Kusano, Merpay, Inc.

  • Jie Li, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

  • MHD Yamen Saraiji, Keio University

  • Kai Kunze, Keio University

  • Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia

  • Suranga Nanayakkara, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland

  • Yusuke Sugano, The University of Tokyo

  • Tatsuya Honda, FUJITSU Limited


All questions about submissions should be emailed to Bektur Ryskeldiev