News and Updates

Current Project Status

Our funding period has ended, so the main project activities have concluded. Please see other pages for details on project outputs - our annotation scheme, metacorpus, and automated tools. Ongoing activities include further analysis of our dataset and additional maintenance and development of the annotation system and tools.

Teddy Bears' Picnic

ACLEW conducted a "citizen science" project with close to 350 kids of all ages at the Teddy Bear's Picnic in Winnipeg, Canada on May 26, 2019. Children heard adults speaking in Tseltal and judged whether they were talking to an adult or a child. Or they listened to a baby babbling and judged whether the baby was learning English or Tseltal.

Kletskoppen Kindertaalfestival

ACLEW contributed to the Kletskoppen kindertaalfestival | Kletskoppen Child Language Festival, with activities related to identifying child-directed speech across languages, and guessing a child's age based on the vocal sounds.

Buenos Aires 2018

The full PI team met in Buenos Aires for a group meeting August 13-15, 2018. We also presented our work to South American researchers on August 16. See the talks here.