Crime Scene

crime scene grading Below!

Bring a Laptop for Report Writing! 

Crime Scene Sketches will be drawn on paper, but reports will be submitted online. Everything you need will be provided for you except a laptop.

Skills Workshops

There will be four mini-workshops being taught simultaneously with the Physical Agility at Lowman Student Center (LSC Rm 116 & 117) 10:00 am-4:00pm

Pay attention!

At Least ONE of the skills that you learned in the workshops will be present during your crime scene. Make sure your team goes through all the workshops to aid you in the Crime Scene Competition! 

Crime Scene Report Rubric.pdf
Crime Scene Sketch Rubric.pdf


**Click each title for more information**

This workshop will focus on the processing and collection of latent fingerprints.

This workshop will focus on proper collection & packaging of evidence.

This workshop will focus on preliminary drug identification and field testing.

This workshop will focus on how to properly collect trace evidence including hair and fibers.