Blaine's Love Story

The story all starts with Blaine, a 32-year-old successful business owner, who lived in the penthouse at the top of this New York skyscraper. He was a partner in one of the biggest and best law firms in the industry. He had everything from the fancy Rolls Royce to the big penthouse overlooking the city skyline.

One night he couldn’t sleep so he went into his kitchen, poured a glass of wine, and went out onto the patio. While he was looking out on all of the other buildings, a beautiful woman, who was showering in her small apartment across the street, caught his eye. He was overwhelmed with a feeling of love that he had never felt before. He requested that his assistant find out who this was immediately and how he could have her as his own. He waited a few days and, finally, his assistant walked into his office with a very concerned look on her face. The young woman was named Halle, and she just happened to married to Jack, one of his new employees. He sent her husband, Jack, to a conference meeting in Los Angeles so he could get to know this girl. He called her up and invited her over to his penthouse to visit. She was impressed by all of his wealth and fancy things throughout his penthouse. They ended up having a great night together filled with promises of being together forever, that ended in a drunk and passionate decision that later would come back to haunt them. Halle told him the next morning that she had made a mistake and was unable to end things with her husband. She went back to her small apartment and Blaine was stuck wishing he could change her mind.

Six weeks passed and as Blaine was settling in for the night he heard a soft knock on the door. When he opened it he was surprised to see Halle standing there in tears. He invited her in and as they sat down he had no idea what she was about to say. She told him how she was late and took a test and it ended up that she was pregnant with his baby. Blaine was stunned and didn’t know how to react at first, but quickly shook it off and hugged her. He looked at her and told her that everything was going to be okay.

A few weeks after the news, Blaine sent Halle’s husband Jack overseas to run his corporate office over in Australia. He played it up and made it an opportunity that Jack could not turn down. When Jack told Halle, she took that opportunity to end things and break up the marriage. Within another two weeks, Jack had left for his new life in Australia. Halle decided to move into the penthouse with Blaine and they both started their life together. A year later they are happily married with one seven-month-old. For Jack, he is thriving in the company and has gotten over the break up. He has been dating a new girl for about six months and is preparing for one of his biggest cases yet. All in all, both parties are happy and content with what they are doing in life.

Author’s Note:

This story came from the story of Bathsheba and David in the Old Testament of the Bible. She was a wife of a soldier in David’s army and he wanted her. Once he got her, she got pregnant and to fix the problem, David had her husband put at the front of battle and killed. David then moved her into his house and made her his wife. I think this plot makes a great story no matter what time period it is in. I chose to write it in current time to make it a little more relevant and relate-able to the reader. I felt like the first husband had already been through so much throughout the story that he had to have some positive outcome. What I found difficult was bringing in the reality of some of the main points. One example is David being a king in the old story and Blaine being the owner of a law firm in the second. I needed to find something that was a big position but that was also realistic. I think that even though this story turned out as a cheesy love story, it was relate-able and interesting to the reader.


Myth-Folklore Unit: Bible Women