Welcome to the Flashlight app.

Lets gets started learning how to use this awesome tool....

Lets Dive in ......

Learning how to use a tool properly is the greatest asset one can possess......

1.The Start Screen....

A simple and user-friendly interface to make things quite easier......

The screen holds the power button to toggle the flashlight on and off.

2. The Shake.....

One of the key features of this app is the shake, which allows you control the flashlight just by shaking your device.

Important: Before using app never forget to adjust the shake settings according to your taste.

To do so,

  1. Open the app.

  2. Click on the three dots at the upper right corner of your screen.

  3. Go to Shake Settings

  4. Adjust the slider to set the sensitivity of your preference.

Animated GIF on steps to change shake settings

Shake mode when device is locked....

This app intended to be functional even if the device is locked. However due to battery optimisation imposed by the android system, in newer devices the flashlight may not work if the screen is off. By pressing the power button, ( no need to unlock your device ) the app will continue to work as intended.

In short, shake mode is accessible from the lock screen.

3. Control the torch from the notification bar.....

For this, just slide down the notification bar and you shall be able to access the torch from there....

On older devices ( below Android 6 - Marshmallow) notification controls are not present. However, clicking on the notification reopens the app thus re-enabling shake mode if it has been deactivated.

Notification in new devices

Notification in old devices

Note: The notification acts as a indicator informing that the shake mode is active.

The notification is getting in my way. What do I do ?

In this case, you will have to tinker around a bit.

  1. Long press on the notification. This shall bring up the app info icon.

  2. Click and enter the notification settings.

  3. Select Block all. This shall remove the notification from the notification bar.

4. Customization

Ways to customize this app are :

  1. Shake flash on app start (disabled by default)

Turns on the flash when you open the app.

  1. Shake mode (enabled by default)

Allows you to control the flashlight by shaking your device. Unchecking it disables shake mode, but flashlight can still be controlled from the notification.

  1. Turn off flash and shake on app exit (disabled by default)

By default flashlight remains on even if you exit the app. However not all might be in good terms with it. Also, using shake mode may eat up your battery. Checking this option disables shake, removes notification and turns off the flash when you exit the app.

** Theme customisation coming soon**

5. Battery optimisation

No one loves to see their beloved mobile run out of juice, especially at moments when you most need them.

In order to save users from this scenario the app automatically disables shake mode when the battery reaches or drops below 20%. As a result shake mode will not activate after that. The regular notification changes to "Shake mode disabled due to Battery Optimisation". Clicking on this re-enables shake mode. (If charge is still below 20% it may disable itself automatically).

If you are sure you have a strong battery or you absolutely need the flashlight shake feature even if battery is low, all you need to do is the following.

  1. Open the app.

  2. Click on the three dots at the upper right corner of your screen.

  3. Go to Battery Optimisation

  4. Uncheck the checkbox.

Seems that you are good to go......

If you have any doubts or queries please do contact me at acedeveloper003@gmail.com with the subject as "Feedback on flashlight app".