

She is Associate Professor at LINEACT CESI, France. Her research interests include social behaviour modelling by applying social signal processing to human-human and human-agent interaction, with a focus on immersive environments and the Proteus effect. 

She is a researcher at CasaPaganini InfoMus, University of Genoa and licensed psychologist. She works on event segmentation, event structure perception and food-related social interaction. 

Thomas Janssoone

He works at Enchanted Tools, a new start-up, where he designs an end-to-end interaction pipeline for a new robot to make it able to naturally interact in real environments. He did his Ph.D. at Sorbonne University and Telecom ParisTech on the study of recognition and synthesis of interpersonal stances with virtual agents. 

Geoffrey Gorisse

Geoffrey is Associate Professor and virtual reality researcher at Arts et Métiers Insitute of Technology, France. His current investigations focus on virtual characters (avatars and agents). He studies the sense of embodiment and social presence, as well as the way avatars impact user behaviour in immersive virtual environments. 

Pierre Raimbaud

He is Associate Professor at ENISE, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France. His research interests are in virtual reality user interactions and behaviours.  Understanding human behaviour in virtual reality, from individual and social point of views, is a key concern for him.

Anna Martin

She is a Ph.D. student at CESI LINEACT, France. Her research focuses on the Proteus effect, which describes how the appearance of avatars in virtual environments can shape users’ behaviors. 

Silvia Ferrando

She is a Ph.D. student at CasaPaganini InfoMus, University of Genoa. Her research focuses on learning technologies, in particular with children as users.