Likewise, from an anthropometric (individual differences in body types and levers) standpoint, the trap bar deadlift will lend itself more advantageous to those with longer torsos, longer femurs, and/or T-rex arms.

I wanted to create a catch all thread for people to either mention, laugh at, complain about, or vent over cheaters and cheating. Perhaps even admit to some cheating. (Hey, if you have a problem, the first step is admitting it.)

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One of my fellow C flighters apparently dropped one after hitting OB instead of going back to the tee. Not sure it was so much cheating as much as him just not knowing the rules, but he caused a massive stink after the brass talked to him about it. Not even sure what they did, but I don't believe I've seen that guy since.

I have another cheating story, but I heard it second hand. As some know, I took up golf in graduate school, so I didn't play high school golf. However, on occasion I run into someone my age who did play high school golf in my district, and when they find out where I went to high school, they ask (in a tone of voice that implies "please say no") if I played for my high school's team.

Fortunately I have never encountered an example of blatant cheating in the handful of competitive tournaments I've played in. The closest I've ever come was in our club championship a few years back, and even then, I'm not 100% convinced it was an act of cheating.

I have seen cheating over the years while golfing. I have even seen it during a pga tournament a few times. It happens. The most common was doing the foot wedge thing, or the ball moved position during their address.

I have always looked at cheaters, that at the end of the day, they knew they cheated, and some folks knew they were cheaters. The fact that cheating didn't bother them, was their problem. A problem which would eventually catch up to them later on in life..

As far as I can tell, there is a cheating tool available for the PC version, but not the Xbox version. The person who created the cheating tool has done all the hard technical work, any idiot can now use it to cheat. OTOH, without a cheating tool being available, cheating on the Xbox would require a level of technical skill probably exceeding that which was required to create the PC cheating tool. So it seems massively more likely that anyone cheating is using the PC cheating tool rather than doing their own hacking of the Xbox.

I have never payed much attention to the global leaderboards in Horizon games, because many of them are always tilted (OP car, glitches, exploits, cheating also), and just concreted to club and friends.

This reminds me of FH1. a few of the speed traps in there had top speeds reaching upwards of 800mph. Obviously not possible.

But that game was on Xbox 360 only. so the idea that it was PC players goes right out the window.

that guy is going around all the speed traps doing it, he simply doesnt care at all about any one who actually wants to try in this game. He should be publicly named and shamed, real name and all. He is a straight up steroid pumping loser. Go full lance armstrong on him

With more than a little braggadocio, Valve has announced that it's permanently banned over 40,000 Dota 2 accounts for cheating. In a post to the official Dota 2 blog yesterday, the company revealed that it had constructed a cunning trap to catch thousands of players that were using "third-party software" to "access information used internally by the Dota client that wasn't visible during normal gameplay," lending them an unfair advantage in-game.

In a domestic investigation, if you believe your spouse is cheating and you need to know how to either confirm the adultery or calm your fears, we can help you. With our Honey Trap specialized units, we will tailor the case to your every needs. You will need hard evidence that proves whether they are cheating or not.

We are currently seeking to expand our coverage throughout the US and are seeking experienced, confident, outgoing men and women to join us as Honey Trap Agents. We expect our honey trap agents to provide an honest, accurate and truthful statement detailing the events of any meetings. A good honey trap agent will need to be a good conversationalist and have excellent communication skills.

Regarding (1): If cheating requires avoiding detection, then cheaters can never be caught and punished for cheating. For if they were caught, they would fail to have cheated. But some are caught and punished.

Regarding (2): If cheating requires earning credit, then cheaters cannot receive a zero as punishment on an exam on which they cheated. For if they were to receive a zero, they would have failed to earn credit and thus failed to cheat. But they can and do receive such punishments.

The latter approach is more likely to produce better future educational outcomes than the former. And the former is more likely to improve cheating. Overall, uploading answers without telling students produces better outcomes. With this, we have a consequentialist argument against your suggestion.

These are students who are *already* cheating, regardless of his intervention. Abstaining from uploading the fake test answers does not stop the student from cheating, it just means they must continue their search for a cheating resource elsewhere.

I wonder how you can predict an improvement in character. The difference between the two scenarios is that in the original one, students would know that the resource of bad answers was the teacher and in your version, they would not know why the answers were bad. How can this difference make an impact on their character? Why would your version lead them to the conclusion that cheating was wrong (rather than the conclusion you draw from the first case that the resource was unreliable), esp. if they used the website several times for other exams and they succeeded?

Thanks for asking. There are many differences between the two approaches. The relevant difference between the two approaches concerns recognizing and appreciating certain value and disvalue. My approach does a better job of helping students with these things because it allows them to experience the disvalue of cheating for themselves (when getting a poor grade), and then turn their attention to the value of effort and study.

True, this strategy would not be effective if students need to pass a rigorous final and midterm under secure conditions in order to get a passing grade in the course. But if the midterm and final are cheatable (for instance, if students can take them from home, or if they can leave the exam room, look up answers online, and then return to work on those same questions), the cheating strategy seems optimal for those who just want a fraudulent credential.

Unfortunately I think a lot of assignments that make learning better are also ones that incentivize cheating. So for instance I assign reading quizzes, which students take at their own pace before the class during which we discuss a reading. The quizzes point them to important parts of the reading, help clarify confusing points, give them instant feedback about how well they understood the reading, etc. These are very good assignments for students who want to learn, but also very easy to cheat on, because students can share answers with each other.

But a greater moral difference between these cases is that, if one lets students check their phones or take their exams home, one enables them to succeed in cheating, whereas putting up a bogus Quizlet makes it less likely that they will succeed in cheating.

It was foreseeable that posting the fake answers increased the number of exam failures. If they had not been posted, fewer students would have been caught cheating and received a zero. Having fewer failures is a better outcome than having more. So, he ought not to have posted the fake answers.

If by cheating you mean securing an unjustly high credential by duplicity, then he did not facilitate cheating. None of these students secured the credential. They failed the exam, and also exposed themselves as cheats. The bogus Quizlet helped them show their true colors so that they could be caught. Had the professor not posted it, some of those students might have kept searching and found a Quizlet with more plausible answers, which might have enabled them to pass. So it seems that the professor prevented cheating, rather than facilitating it.

The ecologies learning we find in most universities make it exceptionally challenging to teach in ways that would keep students engaged, and empower the possibility for transformative insight. It seems far more important for us as philosophers to look at ourselves and the larger systems than to place blame on these students. This cheating behavior is feedback, not something we can see as a deep violation on the part of the students (thus, I disagree that the instructor should have turned the students in . . . this should have been very personal feedback, and perhaps a kind of wake-up call). We seem to need more systems thinking here.

Perhaps this is a Scandinavian sentiment, but if almost half of your students are cheating on your exam, the solution is not to reprimand the students, but to redesign your exams! Your designs are obviously flawed. I would consider ditching multiple choice exams.

This is a mistake. Some students seem to be unaware that the site is used to cheat, but belive it to be good for studying. Genuinely interested and academically committed students have informed me that they use it to study. Not to mention that it does appear to be a source of study material, rather than a cheating site.

Quizlet is in fact a study resource. It is simply a platform that allows users to generate flashcards and test themselves on flashcard decks. Some users may generate flashcards on the basis of stolen exam materials that ought not to have been uploaded to the internet. This does not make Quizlet a cheating site. It is a study resource. e24fc04721

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