moisture meters 

grain moisture

mini grain moisture for seed and grain in Kampala

For farmers, the high moisture content in grains could cause you to lose a big chunk of your harvest – which in itself is a scary thought. Also for commodity traders, many buyers require you to meet certain moisture content standards before they will accept your grain. In addition, many buyers want the moisture content of corn to remain below 13% otherwise they will not buy. Finally, for poultry farmers and feed producers, the high moisture content in grains can affect the quality of your feed and ultimately the productivity of your birds.

grain moisture

Popular digital grain moisture content meters uganda

Grain moisture meters are tools that help you measure the moisture content in different grains, before, during, and after harvest. Measuring the moisture content of your grains helps you know whether your grains are dry enough. Knowing the moisture content of your grains is important because the high moisture content in grains leads to mold growth and aflatoxin contamination which destroy grains.

grain moisture meters

Electronic portable coffee moisture meters cup type uganda

If you work with grains in any capacity, whether as a farmer, a commodity trader, aggregator, or feed producer, then a grain moisture meter is a piece of equipment you absolutely need. In this article, you’ll learn about grain moisture meters, why you need one, how they work and how to choose the best moisture meter for your operations.

grain moisture meters

Digital moisture tester for over 25 grain species kampala

Coffee is usually laid out in thin layers on raised beds or concrete patios to dry. If the layers are too thick, the beans won’t dry as quickly and will be at increased risk of mold.

Raised beds allow the wind to circulate more than concrete patios, which can further aid consistent drying. In both methods, the beans are moved around regularly to allow air to circulate.

One way to ensure that the beans are drying consistently and at the right speed is to take regular samples and measure the moisture content.

But it’s not enough to simply take some beans at random and check how dry they are. Instead, you should create a sampling plan that focuses on comparing representative samples.

grain moisture meters

Electronic grain moisture meter at discount price from supplier shop Wandegeya kampala

Coffee beans are dried in different ways depending on which processing method is used. Natural processing is when ripe cherries are dried with the cherry still attached. Leaving the pulp on during drying results in a sweet, fruity coffee. But there is greater risk of over-fermentation and mold developing because of the high level of moisture involved.

Washed/wet coffees have had their pulp removed and mucilage is broken down by fermentation before the beans are dried. Since there’s no pulp left on the beans, there is less chance of over-fermentation or mold developing. This method of processing allows the flavors of the coffee to shine, whether it’s sparkling acidity or a rich, creamy body. But it depends on slow and consistent drying.

grain moisture meters

moisture meters for sale Kampala Uganda 

In general, an unprocessed, ripe coffee bean contains around 45–55% moisture after picking.

The International Coffee Organization states that dried, processed green coffee beans should have a moisture content of 8–12.5% with the exception of “speciality coffees that traditionally have a high moisture content, e.g. Indian Monsooned coffees.”

The correct moisture content contributes to balanced acidities and a desirable aroma, which in turn help achieve good cupping scores. There’s some debate over the best moisture level, but 10–12% is generally accepted.


grain moisture meters

Agricultural grain and seeds moisture meter shop uganda 

An effective and efficient grain moisture meter is essential if grain farmers are to maximise profitability in the marketplace. The cost of a moisture tester if far less than what could be lost if the estimated moisture content is even half a per cent less at the point of sale. Serious farmers are well aware of this and will look to trusted manufacturers to provide the necessary high quality equipment. Draminski is often their brand of choice.

grain moisture meters

Handheld double pins agricultural moisture meters Accurate kampala

Calculations are, of course, adapted for higher or lower levels of moisture content, but farmers will have estimated the value of their crop by weight and current market conditions, so that fluctuations can have a significant negative financial impact. It is not surprising then that they rely heavily on the accuracy of the technology used to determine the actual moisture content of their crop.


grain moisture meters

Best moisture meter for grains agribusiness Uganda

grain farmers take great pains to make sure that calculated moisture loss during specific storage times is not exceeded. Farmers who wish to market corn that contains 14.5 per cent of moisture will usually store it for between 6 and 12 months, depending of their particular set of weather and storage conditions.

grain moisture meters

Portable modern farm moisture meters for sale Wandegeya uganda 

moisture very quickly.Ideal for every farmer. it's high-tech electronic equipment for the agriculture

Moisture content is a crucial element in the marketing of grain, so that grain farmers take particular care to ensure that storage facilities meet requirements. Because temperatures change and grain moisture tends to migrate, these structures must control air movement and have the type of flooring which prevents conditions that could do damage to the grain.