Aerosol, Cloud, and Climate Research Laboratory
Welcome to Aerosol, Cloud, and Climate Research Laboratory (ACCRL) at the Research Center for Environmental Changes (RCEC), Academia Sinica
Group Leader: I-Chun Tsai
Our scientific goal is to investigate aerosols, cloud microphysics, aerosol-cloud interactions and their roles in the Earth’s system, including those associated with air quality, human health, and climate, through numerical models.
Our approaches include:
Developing aerosol microphysical parameterization for regional and global models
Combining observations and simulation results to discuss the impacts of natural and anthropogenic processes on Earth system
Latest Research
[2024] Aerosol Impacts on the East Asian Winter Monsoon: Insights from TaiESM1 and CMIP6 Simulations. by Tsai, I-C., S.-W. Yang, C.-J. Shiu, Y.-Y. Chen, Chen-An Chen, W.-L. Lee, and H.-H. Hsu .
[2024] Climate Change-induced Impact on PM2.5 in Taiwan under 2 and 4 °C Global Warming. by Tsai, I-C., P.-R. Hsieh, H.-H. Hsu, Y.-S. Tung, Y.-M. Chen, and C.-T. Cheng.
[2024] Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Scooter-Induced Traffic Patterns and Their Environmental Implications. by Tsai, I-C., C.-W. Lin, S.-H. Su, C.-W. Chang, C.-W. Su, and S.-C. C. Lung .
[2023] Volcanic contribution to the 1990s North Pacific climate shift in winter. by Wu, C.-H., S.-Y. Lee, I-C. Tsai, C.-J. Shiu, Y.-Y. Chen.
[2023] Climatological changes in East Asian winter monsoon circulation in a warmer future. by Wu, C.-H., C.-J. Shiu, Y.-Y. Chen, I-C. Tsai, S.-Y. Lee. .
[2023] Impacts of 2 and 4 °C global warmings on extreme temperatures in Taiwan. by Tsai, I-C., P.-R. Hsieh, C.-T. Cheng, Y.-S. Tung, L.-Y. Lin and H.-H. Hsu.
[2022] Decade long-term measurement for investigating vertical thermodynamic of urban boundary layer. by Chen, Y.-C., P.-H. Lin, W.-N. Chen, I-C. Tsai, S. Laplace, C.-C. Ting, C. Fu, Charles, C.-K. Chou.
[2022] Projecting ozone impact on crop yield in Taiwan under climate warming. by Tsai, I-C., L.-S. Shu, J.-P. Chen, P.-R. Hsieh, and C.-T. Cheng .
[2022] Northern hemisphere urban heat stress and associated labor hour hazard from ERA5 reanalysis. by Lee, S.-Y., S.-C. C. Lung, P.-G. Chiu, W.-C. Wang, I-C. Tsai, T.-H. Lin.
[2021] Aerosol impacts on fog microphysics over the western side of Taiwan Strait in April from 2015 to 2017. by Tsai, I-C., P.-R. Hsieh, H.-C. Cheung, and C. C.-K. Chou. doi:
[2021] Characterization of the Vehicle Emissions in the Greater Taipei Area through Vision-based Traffic Analysis System and its Impacts on Urban Air Quality. by Tsai, I-C.*, C.-Y. Lee, S.-C. C. Lung, C.-W. Su.