

Prof Dave Alexander, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: AGN identification, demographics, and evolution; Multi-wavelength surveys

Dr Ivan Almeida, Newcastle (PDRA)
Interests: Numerical simulations of accretion; AGN winds and feedback

Carolina Andonie, Durham (PhD student)
Interests:  Obscured quasars, spectroscopic surveys.

Steph Campbell, Newcastle (PDRA)

Manthos Charidis, Newcastle (MPhil Student)
Interests: JWST imaging of local AGN

Tiago Costa, Newcastle (Academic Staff)
Interests: AGN feeding and feedback (modelling and numerical simulations)

Danny Dixon, Newcastle (PhD Student)
Interests: Black hole weak lensing in light curves

Prof Christine Done, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: Accretion models, and testing them on spectral and variability data from stellar and supermassive black holes. Winds from black holes, theory and observations and AGN feedback

Prof Alastair Edge, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: Brightest Cluster Galaxies, AGN feeding, Multi-frequency radio observations of AGN

Emmy Escott, Durham (PhD student)
Interests: [OIII] outflows, radio emission from radio quiet AGN, Very Long Baseline Interferometry

Melissa Ewing, Newcastle (PhD Student)
Interests: X-ray polarisation

Dr Vicky Fawcett, Newcastle (PDRA)
Interests: Quasar demographics; models of quasar structure/evolution

Dr Claire Greenwell, Durham (PDRA)
Interests: AGN demographics; Multi-wavelength surveys

Scott Hagen, Durham (PhD Student)
Interests:  Accretion Modelling (SEDS/variability); spectral variability; AGN structure

Houda Haidar, Newcastle (PhD Student)
Interests: Dusty winds in local AGN

Dr Chris Harrison, Newcastle (Academic Staff)
Interests: AGN feedback; multi-wavelength outflow studies; origin of radio emission in AGN

Filip Husko, Durham (PhD student)
Interests: Black hole spin; AGN jet feedback

Dr Adam Ingram, Newcastle (Academic Staff)
Interests: Accretion models and observations; X-ray polarisation

Dr Amy Knight, Durham (PDRA)
Accretion Physics; X-ray binaries; Circumbinary Discs

Prof Cedric Lacey, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: Galaxy formation models and simulations; AGN feedback

Devang Liya, Newcastle (PhD Student)
Interests: Spectral Energy Distributions of AGN

Duncan Mackenzie, Durham (PhD student)

Jake Mitchell, Newcastle (PDRA)

Dr Leah Morabito, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: AGN winds and feedback, Radio emission in AGN, linking AGN emission on different physical scales

Dr Ann Njeri, Newcastle (PDRA)
Interests: Very Long Baseline Interferometry; radio AGN; radio surveys

Patrick O'Neill, Newcastle (PhD Student)
Interests: Milli-second pulsars; X-ray binaries

James Petley, Durham (PhD Student)
Interests: AGN Winds, radio-quiet quasars, Very Long Baseline Interferometry

Prof Tim Roberts, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: Ultraluminous X-ray sources, X-ray emission of nearby galaxies

Dr David Rosario, Newcastle (Academic Staff)
Interests: AGN in the infrared; Dusty AGN winds; AGN host galaxies

Dr Tomaru Ryota, Durham (PDRA)

Dr Simone Scaringi, Durham (Academic Staff)
Interests: Accretion physics; testing scale-invariance in accreting systems using accreting white dwarfs; variability; populations of compact objects

Rose Shepherd, Newcastle (PhD student)
Interests: Sonification of spectra of quasars and IFU data. 

Dr Nicole Thomas, Durham (PDRA)
Interests: AGN in cosmological simulations; radio AGN

Martina Veresvarska, Durham (PhD student)

Samuel Ward, Newcastle (PhD Student)
Interests: Numerical simulations of quasar winds; simulation predictions of AGN feedback