Co-Creator Spotlights

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I am connected with/have been connected with: The Alliance, WHO, JLN, ANHSS, Health Systems Global, APO, Flagship Course- Global, Equity Initiative Fellowship Program, Nossal Institute- direct country engagement, Nossal Institute and UNICEF MOOC

I'd be interested in sharing my experience with establishing and maintaining partnership with local government, and developing collaborations across research institutes and civil society organizations

I'd be interested learning more about engaging with media, networking with global HSPRI

My hobbies and passions include: I used to like reading, playing piano, traveling, climbing and trying out extreme sports. Nowadays, I am merely a slave to my cats. Or, any cat, for that matter. My passion is now ending animal cruelty.

Shita Listya Dewi

Center for Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Harvy Joy Liwanag

United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)

I am connected with/have been connected with: The Alliance, WHO, Health Systems Global, APO, Nossal Institute and UNICEF MOOC, Accelerating The Development Of Health Policy And Systems Research (HPSR) Capacity In The Western Pacific Region (WPR) For Health System Strengthening (Partnership between LSHTM, the Malaysian NIH, and UNU-IIGH)

I'd be interested in sharing my experience with developing/using new approaches that can inform a new way of understanding knowledge translation, such as: design thinking, strategic foresight

I'd be interested learning more about the various models of knowledge translation and learning platforms being shared in this series - and see which ones are truly effective in advancing HPSR.

One of my favorite place I've traveled to is Switzerland. One of my favorite activities is to hike in Switzerland! Mountains give me the illusion that I could almost touch the sky. :)

I am connected with/have been connected with: Gates Foundation India is a donor to both APO as well as Nossal (for a research study, not courses)

I'd be interested in sharing my experience with The main issue I wanted to share was IHSC but this has already been shared in one session.

I'd be interested learning more about a few things. First, ways to expand and interlink sub-national research networks (such as Indonesia HPN and India IHSC). Second, harmonize course offering across institutions (e.g. Flaship, Nossal, etc); also expanding courses (e.g. basic, intermediate; advanced courses) and finding ways to create "communities of course takers", as to create a "health systems community" for example at Asia level. Third, would it make sense to crate a network of HSPRIs, a la GDN? If so how to go about it? I am also interested in ways to sustain HSPRIs without compromising their research integrity/independence, and expanding ways for policy impact, from role of communications to working with civil society (rather than just focusing on policy makers). I think it's important to learn from history, in this case the history of HSPRIs. How they originated, what are their typical strategies, what tends to work well, what tends not to work well etc. and then identify the gaps this initiative can fill. For example Sarah Bennett had done research on thinktanks at LMICs which could be enriching for the group.

A fun fact about me is: One of the few certainties I have in life is that I am the only person in the world with my name (Alexo Esperato)

Alexo Esperato

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Shilpa John

Health Systems Transformation Platform (HSTP), New Delhi, India

I am connected with/have been connected with: HSTP is one of the organizers of the Flagship Course (India) offered in partnership with National Academy of Administration and Harvard School of Public School. HSTP also anchors the India HPSR Fellowship program, launched in January 2021 (More details available at and

I'd be interested in sharing my experience with knowledge brokering and developing collaborations across research institutes

I'd be interested learning more about: 1. Evaluating courses on HPSR; 2. Effective Media Engagement ; 3. Collaborative efforts of other HPSRIs

A fun fact about me is: I love crafting (especially cross stitching/embroidery), hiking and travelling to new places!