What can ACCA do for YOU?

International recognition as a professional in business and accounting is just one thing! ACCA is present in Southeast Europe through its 8000 members and students and has strong ties with CECCAR, CAFR, IDES and ACAP, allowing our members to easier become expert accountants and financial auditors respectively.

Offered by the largest international accountancy body, an ACCA Qualification can give you the best chances of being the one selecting your future employer, not the other way around! So why wait? Start planning your career now with an excellent offer from ACCA: practice your business and accounting knowledge for a chance to win Lenovo tablets and easier registration to ACCA!

APPLY HERE - one-minute form

How does it work?

ACCA is organising an online contest exclusively for students in the final year of Bachelors (licenta / бакалавърска степен) or Masters in faculties with an economic profile in Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. The contest lasts from 15th of December 2016 to 15th of February 2017 with the last day when you can still register in the contest being 14th of February 2017. We will ask all registered to sit one online multiple-choice-questions exam in English for 30 minutes (the style and content of ACCA exam for papers F2 Management Accounting and F3 Financial Accounting)

You will register in the contest in the form above and will select ONE of the three possible dates when you will receive the link to your exam. You will only need a device with internet access to sit the exam, no need to install anything else. Following receipt of the exam subjects, you will only have 30 minutes to complete as much as possible and click SUBMIT. Failure to submit the exam in 30 minutes or less will lead to you being disqualified from the contest.

The results will be ranked and the winner of the first prize (having the most correct answers) will receive a Lenovo Tab Yoga 3 tablet. The second ranked will receive a Lenovo Tab 3 tablet and the third an external charger and an ACCA online course. All of you answering more than 40% correct questions, in the allocated time, will WIN easier registration to ACCA's Qualifications should you choose to accelerate your career with the world's most recognized qualification in business and accountancy. Your total savings will be of up to 347 GBP. The winners will be announced on Friday 17th of February at 3 PM local time.

Entry in the contest is free of charge. The contest is for students in the final years of Bachelors (Licenta / бакалавърска степен) or Masters (Masterat), on the Romanian, Bulgarian and Moldova Territories.