Aplicaia pentru Android "Mnstirea Curtea de Arge" include rugciuni i acatiste, dar i un planificator cu alarm, care i amintete celui care l folosete ce rugciune i-a propus s spun, la ora i data setat.

Substantivele deverbale se fac remarcate n arhitectura textelor religi- oase. Fiind obinute prin diferite procedee de formare a cuvintelor pe teren autohton, acestea capt un rol semnificativ n organizarea textelor imnografice ortodoxe, n special a acatistelor. Prin cumularea sensurilor denotative i conotative, substantivele deverbale sunt prezente la diferite niveluri ale textului-acatist. n cazul ansamblului de hairetisme, acestea confer aspectul lirico-poetic specific textului acatist, datorit mbinrilor de cuvinte variabile i numeroase n care se pot integra.

Deverbal nouns are observed frequently in the architecture of religi- ous texts. Being produced by different processes of word formation in roumanian, they acquire a significant role in the organization of the orthodox hymnographic texts, especially akathists. Using of the denotative and connotative meanings of the deverbal nouns is characteristic for different levels of the akathist text. In the cor- pus of chairetismoi they confer the lyrical specific to the text because of numerous and variables contexts where they can be integrated.

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